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Have you ever bullied someone? Anonymous 269492

Anonymous 269529


No. I’m a bitch that’s different

Anonymous 269556

Yes, in elementary school I did some pretty mean bullying now that I think about it that probably fed some kid's insecurities. Mostly the kind of things stupid kids do like pointing out when a kid smells bad or was acting like a retard. Nothing I also didn't get back in petty insults. (never was I the smelly kid, I feel the need to emphasize) Didn't we all receive and give shit to each other like that?

I did a lot of kind of messed up stuff like spreading rumors or stealing login info and snooping in a few kid's myspaces/facebooks/tumblrs but I only did it as payback for them treating me like shit first so I'm not sure if that counts.

Anonymous 269558

Outside of some teasing that in retrospect got a bit out of hand, no. I was only ever outwardly nasty to people who started it with me or others.

Anonymous 269559

No but i was bullied when i was a kid, being a retard as a woman is a death sentence.

Anonymous 269564

In elementary school me and a few other people bullied this one girl. I honestly don't remember what made us target her because she was completely inoffensive from my adult perspective. I really regret doing it. In elementary school I would also do a lot of trash talking and gossiping behind my classmates backs. I don't know if people count that as bullying since it wasn't a direct thing. I ruined most relationships with my classmates and then had a moment of self awareness in 6th grade that I was the problem and decided to stop gossiping in any future friendships. I was also bullied too like being called fat and ugly to my face mostly by the scrotelets.

Anonymous 269589

I've never bullied anyone but of course I was bullied in middle school. In high school one of my best friends and I had a falling out which ending in both of us doing toxic bully-like things to each other, but since it was mutual I don't think it counts.

Anonymous 269594

Kinda, I used to just be a bitch in general, but the people I was nasty to were nasty right back at me and it usually wasnt a repeated harassment. There was one kid who I, on one occasion made cry, and shoved a marker down his buttcrack. Maybe that was bullying because it was repeated and he didnt fight back much. I felt bad after making him cry though as I had a crush on him, and said sorry? I dont know.

Anonymous 269595


>shoved a marker down his buttcrack. I felt bad after making him cry though as I had a crush on him

Anonymous 269699

I was tormented throughout elementary and middle school, probably because of being undiagnosed while on the spectrum as a girl. High school I had an entirely fresh start as I moved away from the area I grew up in after my parents got divorced. In HS though I got into a very catty/bitchy mean-girl phase, mostly due to some problems at home, that I regret. I shit-talked a girl who in all reality was nothing but nice to me on my tumblr at the time, and another girl I went to school with told her shortly before graduation (other girl followed me which was retarded, the tumblr mentality of 'don't have people you know irl follow your blog' had some truth to it). I regret it now but it'd be weird to reach out to her and apologize.

Anonymous 269711

me and my friend used to kinda bully this one guy for idk what reason tbh we were like 8 stupid ass kids. nothing physical we were just mean to him. then last year of elementary school (when we were 16 i think) he started texting me so we ended up sending memes to each other every day but never hung out irl cause i was 247 with my girl friends. i really regretted being mean to him as kids so obviously i apologized and he forgave me. last year i asked him to hang out bc i was rly bored, but i realized we had nothing in common besides the meme sending… but yeah now we stopped talking bc he thought i was too hateful of moids. i shitposted on my private acc that "moids should start the new year in jail and get out once they prove they're good people" lmao obviously i wasnt being dead serious, but he took it personally for some reason. keep in mind i have 2 guys on my private account so obv anything i post excludes them… but yeah thats the story ig still im glad he forgave me cause i still regret being a bitch w my friend

Anonymous 269971


I found a cat on the sidewalk and destroyed his self esteem

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