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Where to meet Wisconsin Gender Crit feminists? Anonymous 269716

Not to dox myself but where the FUCK do I go to meet gender critical women in Wisconsin/the midwest in general? I'm not asking for true blue radfem TERFs who live in female only communes (though that would dope as fuck), just asking where the hell I can meet women who don't entertain and validate the tranny menace? I live in a border town so all around me are stoner burnout losers/alcoholics with colorful fried hair and crusty piercings who go by retarded pronouns and I just need to break the fuck away.

Anonymous 269720

Well what do you want to do, meet up and talk about how much troons suck? I don't get it. I think troons suck but I don't feel like meeting up with anyone to talk about it.

Anonymous 269727

maybe find ways to Peak your existing friends?? be subtle af tho or incur self-righteous wrath

Anonymous 269728

I want to be able to rant about trannies, yes…

Anonymous 269731

Trannies aren't people

Anonymous 269733

not them but trannies are people, albeit they are mentally ill people who have been granted way too much power by liberals and as a result their militant activism has been regressing and trying to belittle and suppress all the work women have done to scrounge up basic human rights we scrounged up over the last century.

Anyways OP nona I am from the midwest, but idk if I'd feel comfortable meeting someone irl from an anonymous message board, especially one that is as notoriously controversial as this one.

I'm more than happy to get to know you in this threat (as long as we don't speak about anything too personal here)

Anonymous 269735

I'm more than happy to get to know you on this thread*

Anonymous 269744

Anonymous 269768

im in wisconson uwu

Anonymous 269774


Doesn't seem legit.

Anonymous 269791

tranny bait thread

Anonymous 269806

Of course. Why would I expect genuine responses from the more schizo and NEET version of lolcow.
How do you feel about that faggot Tony Evers? He let scrotes compete with girls in school sports but hasn't even tried to legalize weed. I hate that fucking retard.

Anonymous 269828


I wish i had insane terfy friends too nona

Anonymous 269874

with how much men scream about wanting to rape and kill TERFs en masse,
it's impossible to form a gender critical in-person group lol
you're better off talking to local women and building a social sphere like that, wouldn't be too hard

Anonymous 269939

I wish I could do that but where I live (NY) its just not possible.

Anonymous 269945

Anonymous 270023

I'm surrounded by trannies and tranny-lovers and handmaidens alike so I feel you. It's suffocating honestly. If it serves any comfort, normie women are quite easily peaked because they aren't online enough to be swayed by the cult. You should try befriending normie women and just be terfy upfront.

Anonymous 270034

I'm pretty sure most of us aren't able to befriend normie women. I'm too autistic and every woman that i find that has something in common with me has to be some tif brainwashed by the troon cult and it's tiring.

Anonymous 271111

All normie women talk about is their moids and kids. You will never fit in with them.

Anonymous 271113

>t. has never talked to any normie women
I pity you

Anonymous 271267

Online like terf Twitter

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