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Any thoughts on Machiavelli? Anonymous 270031

Anonymous 270037

hard to tell whether
a lot of what he's saying is common sense and he just seemed to be brilliant because everyone else was a dumb retard back then
it just seems like common sense because his writings are so brilliant that it informed what the common sense was for centuries after

Anonymous 270042

If you don't care about moral norms you will enjoy his works.

Anonymous 270096

His writings did include a sense of misogyny tho. Which is why Incel larpers praise his works.

Anonymous 270099

Pretty boring stuff. The art of war is more interesting and practical so to say.

Anonymous 270591

I think it was the latter because you have to remember schools for primary education didn't exist, you either got taught just what you needed to survive by your parents or tutored by someone if your family was rich. Then Macky came around wrote down some of this common sense stuff (for rulers) and gave his logic for it.

Anonymous 270613

It also helps that he lived just when the printing press was invented

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