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Gardening Anonymous 270170

anyone wanna talk about gardening? share some tips? I live in an apartment, so I just have a container garden on the patio.

Anonymous 270171


I usually grow smaller vegetables in medium sized pots. Stuff like green onions or garlic. You could plant some vegetables scraps and they'll grow into either flowers or new vegetables. Try carrot tops, sprouting pieces of garlic or just the discard piece of green onion.

Anonymous 270172

ooh, i like to make carrot top pesto

Anonymous 270174

I'm in the process of hardening off my plants but the last frost date keeps changing ://

Anonymous 270178

Regrowing carrot tops is a waste of a season when you can buy seeds cheap as chips.

Anonymous 270181


If you lack space then you could try growing mushrooms

Anonymous 270247

I spent 2 yrs in the jammer for doing this no problem though back again.

Anonymous 270274


What's your dream garden nonas? I want to create a space that's friendly to wildlife with lots of native plants but also provides food.

Anonymous 270570

A forest garden, big enough to have at least some fully grown trees creating a small patch of forest. And below the whole ground would be full of ferns, all varieties of ferns, I love ferns.

Anonymous 270574

A wide range of vegetables, berries and fruit trees. Mushrooms indoors

Anonymous 270586

I really want a kumquat and dragon fruit tree.

Anonymous 270587

Spring onions, sugarsnap peas, strawberries, all the tasty stuff which is expensive to buy.

Anonymous 270616

A little patch of every edible plant that can grow in zone 6 is a life goal. Can dream of a subterranean passive ecosystem, full of tropical fruit trees.
I've never heard of anyone successfully growing a palm to maturity with artificial conditions, likely because they need lots of fresh air in their roots to thrive. I believe it's possible with a little magic (and orgonite)

Anonymous 270651

A lot of berries, fruit trees, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes. Maybe even more vegetables, if had remaining free land. I want to grow stuff that I can actually use. Too bad, I don't own any land, but if I would…

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