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Check the Catalog before making a new thread.
Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 270302

>Forget about this website for 6 months because it's been abandoned by the admin and is constantly raided
>Come back
>It's being raided and nothing has changed
Oh for fuck's sake even tumblr is better than this

Anonymous 270303

it was literally ok except the past two days maybe, just bad timing ig.
and anyways these types of posts just fuel the crazies

Anonymous 270304

Existing is enough fuel for them lol

Anonymous 270306

I haven’t been on this site in ages. It is dead, it has died ages ago.

Anonymous 270307


Anonymous 270308

Moid spammers

Anonymous 270309

The spammers are from soyjack.party

Anonymous 270988


i feel like a lot of the original posters on cc have moved on, it's kinda sad.

Anonymous 271043

I thought this site would be nice but it's almost nothing but talk about moids. At least there are still other spaces.

Anonymous 271054

I can't blame that you feel this way since there's 3 threads in /b/ that belong on the /feels/ board right now.

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