
teen femcels Anonymous 270915
I’ve been seeing more and more teenage girls (13-17) calling themselves femcels and hikkiNEETS and what not. Has anybody else noticed this, and if yes, does it also rub you the wrong way?
Anonymous 270917
Dumb teens being dumb teens as they're in the process of rebelling and figuring themselves out, who cares.
Anonymous 270918
They're just following trends. Don't pretend you didn't follow at least one. Just laugh at it like our parents did at our trends.
Anonymous 270934

As someone who was born in the late 1900’s, I would’ve 100% called myself a femcel if the term was around back then. I literally had “relatable” rage comics with picrel on my planner and pencil case in high school.
It’s not that I think they aren’t cringe, I just know how I was like at that age. When you’re 16 and you haven’t had bf it really does feel like you’re this social outcast even if it’s not founded in reality. I also don’t love the fact that board culture has infected the normies so to speak but it is what it is.
Anonymous 270989
it’s funny bc i think by definition teenagers can’t be hikineets. unless they fucking dropped or something. and femcels, i think theyre just socially retarded and mad at their boyfriends. they dont get the lifestyle and its implications, nor do they actually want it. just the trend and everyone wants to be mentally ill and “cool” now.
Anonymous 270992
World is lonelier than ever, feel bad for the future generations that will have the same problems with even less people around
Anonymous 271075
I do feel bad for them for using that word to describe themselves, especially since they’re so young. But at the same time I feel contempt, since they’re probably doing it to get attention from moids far more retarded than them.
Anonymous 271077
>>270915Teenagers shouldn’t feel as though they’re weird for not having sex.
It shows our culture is WAY too saturated with sex if not engaging in sex is a major stressor on a teenager’s mind
Anonymous 271078
it's just a trend and soon they'll latch on to something else. i guess it's part of struggling with having an identity when you're a teen
Anonymous 271154
There is a huge middle ground in between thinking that teens shouldn't feel pressure to have sex and that everyone should swear themselves to chastity until they meet a soulmate
Anonymous 271157
Yes because when you say it it's real, when they say it it's just an larp, correct? You're the universe's only lonely woman.
Anonymous 271159
>>271154>everyone should swear themselves to chastity Based
Anonymous 271161
I want to tell them that it's okay and it won't matter as much when they're older, but I'd be a lying hypocrite.
No one ever asked me out or anything in high school. Back then, I'd cope by thinking I'd find someone as an adult and have a nice family with them…now I'm approaching 30 w/o even a kiss.
I feel like I'm rotting on the shelf.
Anonymous 271164
I'm not male, just a budding old maid.
Anonymous 271166
I'm glad I have no idea what nonas upthread are talking about. Anyway, teens can't be neets because they're in education, they're in middle school or high school. Unless they dropped out, and I don't think these girls did. Not having a summer internship at 16 doesn't make you unemployed, you're still a student
Anonymous 271170
can't femcels just date incels?
Anonymous 271171
None of them know what a femcel is or what it's original meaning. That's the case with most things that go popular, esp. on tiktok, things just lose their original meaning and the tiktok brainrot army redefines it completely
Anonymous 271184

>>271170>can't femcels just date incels?Genius. No one has ever thought of that one before anon.
Incels don't want femcels, they want their dream girl who is obsessed with them and looks just like their favorite pornstar/instagram model but is also a virgin. They are assholes with an inferiority complex who think wallow in self pity but still think they’re so smart and better than everyone else.
Furthermore, some of them are still obsessed with a random Stacy from high school and are so bitter and stone cold from that experience that they wouldn’t even give the “perfect” girl a chance let alone femcel Franny.
I’m sure you could genderswap this for femcels but most non retarded women are aware that there is some loser who would fuck them.
Sorry for the OT. Uh
>>271171>>270989>>270985ur right everyone else is ritardando I guess
Anonymous 271189
>>271188ur not even a woman probably just a troon lmfao
Anonymous 271191

>>271189LMAO keep seething maddona/whore complexed retard.
Anonymous 271195
>>271185>>271188>>271189>>271191You both sound like you just finished kindergarten.
Anonymous 271198
Absolutely. No one’s self worth should be tied to whether or not you’re having sex, no matter who you are
Anonymous 271202

>i only want a girl that fits my personality type, i couldnt care less about her looks or whether she's ugly or fat
That’s actually really sweet. I wish everyone was like this!
I’m like this too - I have a crush on a guy who’s almost 60, not the best looking, and only makes peanuts, but I love his personality so much and we definitely vibe.
If you’re outwardly unattractive with a heart of gold, it actually enhances that inner beauty.
Anonymous 271246
fucking annoying how they make trends from literal mental illness, same with this "bedrotting" stuff. can't even call myself a hikki or neet anymore cause people will think i'm just some 16 year old quirky girl from tiktok. normal people stop invading mentally ill peoples spaces challenge go
Anonymous 271247
>>271246If you're not diagnosed then you're doing the same thing, you know.
Anonymous 271251
>>271202>I’m like this too - I have a crush on a guy who’s almost 60, not the best looking, and only makes peanuts, but I love his personality so much and we definitely vibe.exactly… glad im not alone
im not going to pretend that looks are 100% irrelevant for me because that would be dishonest as literally everybody is biologically wired to be somewhat lookist - but for me, in terms of actual romantic relationships, its maybe 90% personality 10% looks. most of my crushes have been average or below average girls (in terms of conventional attractiveness) because for some reason those are the ones that tend to have the personality i like - introverted, sweet, nice, loyal, clingy and a little weird
i can fall in love with someone just through texting for long enough without seeing what they look like. literally just be nice and sweet and make me feel loved. and im sure that im not the only one that thinks this way… so i cringe hard when i read stuff like what that other nona posted.
if you're ugly and reading this… dont be discouraged, you will find someone one day
Anonymous 271253
i think it stems from a lot of children growing up way too fast like youre not expected to be in a relationship at fucking 13
Anonymous 271257
>>271253This. I remember being 15-16 and convinced I’d die alone because I hadn’t had my first kiss or bf
Anonymous 271272
>>271184>Incels don't want femcels>most non retarded women are aware that there is some loser who would fuck themSo which one is it? Don't incels post all the time that incels and femcels are literally made for each other?
Anonymous 271274
>>271272Incels are losers but every loser is not an incel. Also “will fuck” is not the same as “have a relationship with”. Conflating the two makes you sound male.
Anonymous 271282
Yes on reddit sub with femcel in its name I forgot
Anonymous 271306
>>271274Differ incels from losers, then.
My guess is that you define incels as lonely men who hate women, when it actually just means that they're lonely.
Anonymous 271327
>>271274but incel and femcel literally just mean involuntary celibate
Anonymous 271330
>>271327>incel = involuntary celibate>femcel = female celibate (no involuntary)Properly, it should be
In fact, it should be
involcel, not
incel to begin with.
Anonymous 271333
>>271330incel naturally would lengthen to
incelibate, which means the opposite of what
incel actually means.
Anonymous 271348
>>271257That’s insane that you felt that pressure to conform to that at such a young age. I remember having an existential crisis around 14-15 when I found out people were having sex regularly in high school- I legit thought it was normal to wait until marriage and that only a tiny degenerate fringe had sex for fun.
It’s disturbing that something so obvious to me - to wait to have sex until you’ve found “the one,” yet everyone else seems to throw it away so frivolously or even worse, out of a need for conformity and to avoid the shame of being perceived a certain way.
We just need to shift the collective mindset from one that sees virginity as awkward/inexperienced/inconvenient/belittling to one that sees preserving it as a beautiful sacrifice for one’s future spouse. This epidemic of prolonged virginity and lonliness is a symptom of the sickness caused by the electronic distractions being prioritized over hanging out with friends IRL
Seriously, growing up, I couldn’t wait to be a mall goth, but then the internet came along and everyone became a zombie and public places quickly became desolate. I honestly h8 the internet, but can’t seem to quit it.
I love you nonas too much <3
Anonymous 271353
>>271346Thank you. I'll admit that when I wrote that I was in a pretty bad mood over it, but it does come and go. At the very least, I should realize that I shouldn't take what I DO have for granted because I'm actually very blessed in so many other things.
Anonymous 271365

>>270915They think it makes them quirky. Same goes for the people that call themselves schizo, autistic, et cetera, when they aren't. They don't seem to realize their efforts to become different just makes them all the same.
Anonymous 271411
>>271365They are normies. I don't understand normies
Anonymous 271761
yknow, i used to be this way. i grew out of it, though. i think a lot of girls are just extra insecure at that age because puberty is gay.
Anonymous 271880
Yes. They are pretty too which makes no fucking sense. Just try for gods sake.
Anonymous 272031
>>270915Nah but i don't identify with femcels or hikineets. Kids just wanna have some identity. I also did when i was their age
Anonymous 272032
>>271188is that your crush? How'd you even find an obscure channel with 3k views?
Anonymous 272034
Kids always think they're special. Plus, at that age they're starting to feel their age for the first time. They're still kids, but they're becoming aware of their power and the fact they aren't using it. They're very rapidly, very confrontingly, seeing what others in their age group have accomplished. At 14 they convince themselves they'll reach those oh-so-important milestones by 16; at 16, having accomplished nothing, they reschedule those milestones for 18. It's easy to feel like a failure at that age, because your peers seem to fall into two categories: stars and failures.
Anonymous 272038
i've been calling myself a femcel since i was 16, not just because i haven't had sex but because i haven't even held a conversation or eye contact with a male since i was 13
Anonymous 272045
>>272038That's normal. I'd wager to say it's common. A lot of young girls don't really interact with men who aren't family or teachers. Later, they only really interact with men who are coworkers. Doesn't make them femcels, inherently.
Anonymous 272187
>>272045i interact with them, my female friends have a bunch of guy friends but when i try to talk to those boys they just ignore me
Anonymous 272191
>(13-17) calling themselves femcels and hikkiNEETS
If you're 13-17 it's child abuse for you to be a NEET considering you are in high school.
And it's also for the better if you're a "femcel" at that age.
Anonymous 272213
it's just tiktokfags trying to be special when it makes them look even more retarded. same with "femcel"
Anonymous 272285
>>271196Y he don get brain freeze (wud be funneh, lel)