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What sandwich do you choose? Anonymous 271009

Personally I’m thinkin either the Ruben or the Italian. Cubano is great too. What are you choosing?

Anonymous 271010


BLT's pretty good. There's a local diner in the next town over from me that has some pretty good ones.

Anonymous 271011


Fresh mozzarella and basil pesto sandwich

Anonymous 271014


I used to always go for pulled pork but now that I realize how easy it is to make them idk. I had a really good croque madame a few weeks ago and I miss it so maybe that.

Anonymous 271118

pb & j >>>> all this shit. nothing could possibly be more comforting

Anonymous 271125

Grilled cheese or fried chicken

Anonymous 271311

The one with no bread

Anonymous 271703

The first one but slightly different. First one using regular sliced bread, cheddar instead of whatever american cheese is and I like to press it in panini press but not too much. After it is pressed for a minute i put a little mustard on bottom bread.

Anonymous 271706

Banh Mi

Anonymous 271828

Bagel w lox all day

Anonymous 272135


Falafel pita or turkey club

Anonymous 272165


The Reuben sandwich, I'll pick that one.

Anonymous 272296

Anonymous 272472


BLT extra bacon/mayo but egg salad and reuben are honorable mentions

Anonymous 272487

Tuna melt. It’s good

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