Anonymous 271101
Someone in St. Catharines, Ontario decided to post this site on a poster about reporting pro-life content?? Lol
Anonymous 271103
I'm curious what 'reporting' it is suppose to do? If somebody is putting out public messages or protesting, I imagine they're wanting to be seen in the first place.
Anonymous 271105
>>271101Seething scrote who is disgusted with women having any semblance of bodily autonomy
Anonymous 271108
>>271101wtf I was literally in st catharines the other day. it's such a cute/quaint little town - you really wouldn't expect someone to know about from there
Anonymous 271109
>>271108well you'd never really expect it, right?
Anonymous 271116
>>271109I could see it in a major city, just because of the sheer number of people who live there.
Anonymous 271117
I find it cringe when people try to bring online things like this irl. I was walking under a bridge in this popular trail in my town and there was graffiti of things like "reject modernity" and "go back to reddit". I assume it was just high school kids.
Anonymous 271121
>>271101Lmao used to do robotics competitions there. Wouldn't have expected this poster. Though I wouldn't write people to come here if I were you (if that was you)
Anonymous 271122
>be you
>be soyjak fag
>hate girls (youre jealous)
>write girls website down on political sticker
>pretend someone else done it
>cry yourelf to sleep
Anonymous 271123
If I saw this I'd just assume it was something that would install cryptomining software on my phone
Anonymous 271146
oh god the second hand embarassment is real
Anonymous 271149
it was one of those people from soyjak party
Anonymous 271151
This is just complete cringe.
Anonymous 271190
Why are moids retarded? And why are retarded moids attracted to this place?
Questions that need answers imo
Anonymous 271200
I grew up in Niagara and went to high school in St Kits. This tracks lmao
I miss the ships even though my school bus would get caught at the locks sometimes
Anonymous 271284
Why do they care so much