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Do people even mean the things they say Anonymous 271392

What do humans say things that are inaccurate and i take them literally… Why can't they be straightforward instead. Explain the human language to an alien please

Anonymous 271393

Like is there a purpose behind that? They know they say false things and know others know and everyone knows but I took shut literally my whole life?

Anonymous 271403

I've been wondering this too, I guess some people just have really deadpan humor but idrk. I thought a friend of mine had no humor at all for the longest time but we just don't have the same type of humor, makes everything so awkward and dead serious all the time. Also people lie so much to save a bit of time, it's like I say something, "yeah I saw it/I know" and then when I attempt to talk about it they don't know what I'm talking about. Just ask or say you don't care lol.

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