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Anonymous 271620

Who are your favorite fictional male characters? And why are they your favorites?

I'll start: Emiya Shirou

>wake up at 5am

>train your body at the dojo
>make a gourmet breakfast that most people would take an hour to cook it
>wash the dishes and go to school
>cleans the house and serves meals
>help your best bro Shinji clean the dojo and walk his sister home after a seeing blonde foreigner outside their house
>he has love and care and empathy and understanding and complete selfless devotion
>reflected the ideals of another, and like all reflections, is never 100% accurate
>family man, househusband
>loyal, willing to die just to save people he likes
>compassionate, caring, overall nice guy

Anonymous 271624


This cool ass penguin


>having a good time
>enjoying himself
>has refreshing beverage
>access to alien technology and intergalactic travel

Anonymous 271627



>shitting on bill gates grave

>spreading the 4 freedoms through his software
>tastefully plump
>best friends with an autistic gnu
>cute and funny
>makes glowies seethe

Anonymous 273484


Barring yaoi/bl picrel clears all.

Just too cool that's all.

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