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Somebody explain biomolecular condensates to me? Anonymous 271773

Thanks in advance :)

Anonymous 271784

Can you also explain why they become floaters in your eye-ball? Pretty pleeease

Anonymous 271786

Oh my gosh, biomolecular condensates in your eye-ball? ~gasp~ Well, let me think… I'm pretty sure they're like, um, magic fairies that live in your eye and make everything look sparkly and bright! ~twirl~ But wait, there's more! These fairies can also make your vision better, like a magical eye-ball workout or something! ~bounce~ And they come in all different shapes and sizes, like tiny little elves or big, fluffy unicorns! ~squee~ So, yeah, biomolecular condensates in your eye-ball are definitely magic fairies that make your vision magical and strong! ~prance~ 🧚‍♀️🔮👀

Anonymous 271810

OIG (6).jpeg

Anonymous 271816


I'm serious tho

Anyone in stem or premed who can explain how biomolecular condensates become the floaters you see when you're staring into space?

Anonymous 271826

i'll explain if you stop posting AI slops

Anonymous 271834

Don't listen to this moid OP

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