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Eastern/Central Europe and friends chatroom Anonymous 272138

Hello,friends! As a sensitjvr Ukrainian a lot of stuff on Western internet kinda saddens me. Like the other day I saw a video about how if you're struggling you should just stop being lazy,fix your posture, do your nails and move on and be a girl boss. That's valid I guess, but when you're trying to exit your freeze state due to another attack on civilian building or just general anxiety for your soldiers and like crowdfundjng for yet another drone for yet another unit going slow and this type of stuff going through your mind everyday, it's just hard to be a girl boss whose priority is fixing her posture and doing her nails. Same with like celebrity drama seeming like the biggest concern on people's mind when in your reality the biggest concern is like survival of your whole nation. Not that celebrity gossip isn't valid but I feel a bit alien:(
So I'm wondering whether talking with girls from Eastern/Central Europe would be easier and we'll have easier time relating to each other? Tell me how have you been, what's being going on in your country, share cool stuff about it and your culture or anything and just be nice, I'd appreciate this.
Nice Western girls are also welcome, just wanna have nice anonymous conversations without feeling alien:)

Anonymous 272140


Genuinely hope you are doing well, I know the circumstances aren't easy, I hope you can somehow make the best of it or that maybe the best possible outcome just happens for you.
I can relate to the internet being way too cold and unfriendly.
The pic u posted is super cute tho, I love raccoons :D
Personally there hasn't been too much going on lately. I've just recently found out that a girl I'm friends with lives in some sort of refugee shelter for Ukrainians and it kinda made me think more about how real the whole situation is.
As for me I've been struggling with procrastination a lot, I really hope I can just stop procrastinating.

Anonymous 272480

Thank you, I'm trying!
>The pic u posted is super cute tho, I love raccoons :D
Me too, I think it's so cute how he cuddles with his raccoon plushie!
>Personally there hasn't been too much going on lately. I've just recently found out that a girl I'm friends with lives in some sort of refugee shelter for Ukrainians and it kinda made me think more about how real the whole situation is.
Yeah, sometimes I guess it could be easy to forget especially when people kind of switch to talking about different things but then reality kinda hits you.
>As for me I've been struggling with procrastination a lot, I really hope I can just stop procrastinating.
Oh, yeah, that's really unpleasant. I think a lot of the times kind of finding the right technique to work with it could be helpful. Sometimes I just make a deal with my brain that we determine the minimum amount of time we need to complete the task+1-2 hours (in case of complications) and then procrastinate all day and when the time comes we just enter the panic mode, get inspired and do everything quickly. This one was productive to me but I understand this technique may not work for everyone.
But maybe you're procrastinating because your body actually needs it? Maybe doing something nice for yourself would be helpful? So many ways to go about it and hard to determine which one is the best one

Anonymous 272488

Westerner, but even when I see those girlboss tiktokers I think "this is some kind of elaborate joke? This is some layers of irony?"
No one acts/thinks like that unless they are VERY conceited

Anonymous 272490

East/central european here. I think us east and central europeans carry a trauma, westerns can't really relate to with communism and everything. Especially when you are ukrainian, it's even worse.
I would be happy to chat with you.

Anonymous 272537

I don't even live in ukraine and i feel this. I don't think anybody gets anything from that kind of content. Maybe 2% of the world does. Dipshits are the loudest sorry to say.

Anonymous 272745

hey, I rarely post here, but we're neighbours. As a child I lived maybe 30 minutes away from the ukrainian border. Was also browsing slavic cookbooks lately since I want to learn how to make bors. We can talk about stuff if you want but not internet drama since I kind of keep away from it and try my best to be outside in my garden. We're on the back end of cherry season. Do you have any recipes for fruit pickes that keep over winter?

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