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Check the Catalog before making a new thread.
Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 272314

Anonymous 272315

Got work tomorrow

Anonymous 272317

didn't fuck her

Anonymous 272415

Too late. Sorry.

Anonymous 272422

He went away

Anonymous 272425

He trooned out.

Anonymous 272427

Existence is meaningless

Anonymous 272429

Hubby never returned

Anonymous 272430

Husbando never real.

Anonymous 272432

lost another one

Anonymous 272441

I got banned

Anonymous 272446

shitting without paper

Anonymous 272448

you are gay

Anonymous 272449

I didn't care

Anonymous 272452

my guts hurt

Anonymous 272483

Lost the game

Anonymous 272484

Mcflurry machine broke

Anonymous 272493

It is over.

Anonymous 272524

I felt that / 10

The prompt was a sad story you nailed it that’s a straight up tragedy

sad little emo hands typed this

This is rage bait

What a fun thread

Anonymous 272525

That's genuinely horrifying.

Anonymous 272526

he's now "female".

Anonymous 272527

We are constipated.

Anonymous 272530

No more pokemon.

Anonymous 272531

selfie on rail

Anonymous 272546

Toilet paper slipped.

Anonymous 272548

God doesn't exist

Anonymous 272549

Baby shoes, never

Anonymous 272550

Non stop diarrhea

Anonymous 272554

A redditor appears

Anonymous 272562

Birds aren't real

Anonymous 272682

She died unloved.

Anonymous 272708

My cat died

Anonymous 272731

M*id spammers arrived

Anonymous 272741

this site died

Anonymous 272748

She lived alone.

Anonymous 272753

For sale: baby

Anonymous 272802

Guess that's it.

Anonymous 272868

Tomorrow's the same.

Anonymous 272872

took a shit

Anonymous 272900

Fortnite Date Cancelled

Anonymous 272916

Santa isn't real.

Anonymous 272970

She shit herself.

Anonymous 272989

Dropped my pizza

Anonymous 273488

amerishart in wallmart

Anonymous 273494

The wrong toilet

Anonymous 273495

Anchovies on pizza.

Anonymous 273538

That too funny.

Days Always Repeat

Anonymous 273568

she likes dicks
ok that got a chuckle out of me

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