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Do you think media causes violence? Anonymous 272459

It's an age old question. I play a lot of male-dominated video games and I can't help but imagine how easy it would be for an understimulated moidlet to begin glorifying concepts in them, like war and violence, especially as an outlet for their angsty hormonal surges. I think young men are more susceptible to the emotional influences of media than women are.

Anonymous 272462

i mean yeah tbhhh, look at the boobie to any political extreme pipeline. Why the hell can boobiepussy make you like hitlwer. lame.

Anonymous 272464

I don't think vidya makes people violent per se but the boomers were onto something during the days of moral panick caused by Mortal Kombat, GTA and the likes.
I genuinely think that video games can be addictive and video game addiction is real, and that they develop wrong coping mechanism as most vidya is escapism to the max.
I genuinely think that vidya fucks with the male brain on some level.

Anonymous 272474

The human brain is weird. Video games and movies and stuff don't really cause people to be violent, but they're very effective in changing people's other values. Just look at all the men who watch a bunch of anime and turn into incels, or ones who go all manosphere right wingers after misinterpreting Fight Club.

Anonymous 272475

With some music genres yes it can influence a few people into becoming violent. It starts as innocent entertainment for them but as they are more exposed to the lyrics/imagery/videos and get involved in the community around those genres, certain behaviours slowly become normalized for them.

Anonymous 272482


If anything, video games are a way to simulate violence in a safe place without repercussions. Since they have the option to be violent dickheads in video games, then why would they risk fulfilling their needs for violence and domination irl?
So my opinion is that video games decrease male violence by keeping them indoors.

On the other hand, when you train yourself over and over again in these simulations to view violence as a solution to boredom or frustration then maybe solidifying those neural pathways could be bad, but THEN AGAIN, killing npcs in gta is a far cry from killing real people since everyone sees how bot-like the npcs are and that the devs intentionally made them as annoying as possible to alleviate any potential guilt that would come with killing them.
It would absolutely be a bad thing if gta players started viewing real people as npcs, which possibly could have been the spirit that motivated those men who thought running over cyclists and uploading the footage to the internet was funny and a totally great idea.

I think for the most part, video games don’t cause violence, but that video games are designed to be violent to appeal to the those natural inclinations that already existed in the minds of average men.

Tldr; men are violent by nature, and video game companies cater to that

Anonymous 272485

I wrote a serious answer but it really depends on the type of media and scale of the violence. Like we know terrorists and school shooters infuence eachother through social media and the news media, but idk about video games.
With moids, I dont think its the video game that glorifies violence, I think moids are just genetically inclined to glorify violence. So the problem isnt the game, its the moid playing it. If they were glorifying in game violence theyd be glorifying real life wars and stuff (which they do). Moids look for a reason to worship death and bloodshed.

Anonymous 272586

i dont think violence in video games or any other form of media inherently causes real world violence, i think game devs more so than other creators take advantage of their young testosterone addled male audience and make lazy games that make violence and warfare out to be something cool. i dont think even those types of games would be that bad if they were played only by mentally mature and healthy adults who have ways of dealing with anger other than video games, but even a lot of adult men don't fall into that category.
>I think young men are more susceptible to the emotional influences of media than women are.
i think women and girls are more media literate and intellectually driven in general but another part of it is that most women aren't into violent media. not to say anything about you personally op but a lot of women who are into violent video games go out of their way to act like edgy pickmes even if theyre not committing real world violence, but id attribute that more to male influences than the games themselves

Anonymous 272602

I don't think media causes violence but it does influence how people interpret potentially violent situations. Monkey see monkey do.
If all people see is absolute brutality and callousness, people are more likely to do the same in those situations. No different than how you used to see an inane brawl over something and the men involved usally ended up with bruises at worst. Now you get to witness people getting their heads kicked as they lay on the floor unconscious. The admittedly rare fights between girls have gotten bloodier too. Codes of conduct matter. Add extra points for society encouraging passiveness and doormat behavior, allowing bizzare revenge fantasies to fester off those pieces of media when before it probably would've been closer to some bloodied lips.

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