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Anonymous 272595

What is the best and worst thing about marriage?

Anonymous 272627

Is anyone on cc even married? I can’t speak from experience, but I’m curious if anyone else has anything positive to say about marriage. There’s a lot of negativity about it online, but it could be due to the bias people have for outrageous content

Anonymous 272638

no but i remember some nona saying that she was married and didn't have to work since her nigel made a lot of money and took good care of her and didn't have kids. i was so jealous

Anonymous 272747

The only "thing" about marriage is the promise that you'll be ok if it ends. Historically a wedding ring was a security deposit.

It's weird to me that men seethe so much about the very purpose of marriage. Many men want a woman to sacrifice her youth, health and career raising his progeny and then they get mad about the idea that they can't just dump her and leave her in the street.

It's OK not to marry but never compromise on your career for a guy unless he's willing to make a legal promise of financial support in return. Divorced men rarely end up with no money, no house, no career, no job experience, and several mouths to feed, but you don't want to stick with someone who doesn't understand the risks you're taking or outright sees financial commitment as an inconvenience or a scam.

Anonymous 272765

You're a complete idiot if you compromise your income for a moid.

Anonymous 272812

Best? Having a partner who's always at your back and in your corner.
Worst? Over-familiarity. It's deeply frustrating to know someone's flaws on the level which you know your own.

Anonymous 274636

Virtually everything. Still not married to this day and happier then most people i know who are married because of it. I do not want to be a moid slave.

Anonymous 274637


See i could not live with this. I could not live for 30 years knowing i have to share the house with some moid who will end up hating me and farting all over my room and my cat and my couch

Anonymous 274691

hard mode:
what are the pros of marriage if you're already rich af and financially stable yourself

Anonymous 274738

Marriage made me happier, less-stressed, richer, higher status and more independent. It feels like my partner is hoisting me up on his shoulders. The problem is that you can never really know someone. At any moment some fatal flaw or hidden agenda could topple me from a great height, and take any children we have with me. It's terrifying, but the same kind of low-level fear I had towards oncoming cars on the freeway or low-flying planes. All up, it's a net-positive and worth it.

Anonymous 274742

That is literally the opposite of independant.

Anonymous 274748

Having someone to fix your car, water heater and dish washer

Anonymous 274812

Why can't you do that yourself? Do you think women are incapable of repairing machines?

Anonymous 274817

The same. Promising your partner financial security so that he can raise your children without worrying about going bankrupt if you have a change of heart.

If you're both rich then it's just a friendly gesture and a fun party.

Anonymous 274825

I'm married. No kids thankfully.

Best: Splitting finances and housework.
Worst: Having someone constantly around to remind me that some of my interests and opinions that I'm particularly passionate about supposedly aren't very interesting.

Anonymous 274887

Best: A best friend to do literally everything with. Sometimes my husband and I are having a conversation and we genuinely enjoy talking to each other so much that if I need to go to the bathroom, he will follow me to continue the conversation and vice versa. He also wakes up earlier than me for work, goes to starbucks and leaves a my favourite coffee on my bedside table before I even wake up. This happens at least once a week but sometimes more.

Worst: I miss when life was just about chilling with your friends and doing everything & nothing together. I didn't experience this THAT much, never had too many friends to begin with, but there were 1 or 2 that I spent a lot of time with just shooting the shit in our pjs quite often and this doesn't happen as much anymore.

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