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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 272878

How do you tell the difference between the honeymoon phase of a relationship ending vs. genuine incompatibility?

Anonymous 272879

The same way you tell the difference between the honeymoon phase of a relationship vs. genuine compatibility.

Anonymous 272891

Look at the way arguments end. If a couple can agree to disagree, or both are able to cede arguments every now and then, then things are going fuckin smoove.

Anonymous 272899

Why is this grifter in OP relevant all of the sudden?

Anonymous 272913

after the honeymoon phase you should ideally still want to be with the person

Anonymous 273013

god he's so ugly

Anonymous 273027

If you even have to ask this question its incompatibility. The honeymoon phase should just mean you being more eager to talk to them to get to know them.
If anything in a healthy relationship between attracted people:
>sex should actually get better over time
>you start to share hobbies
>love grows deeper, you can picture spending your whole life with them
>they annoy you less because you learn how to deal with their character flaws and bs
If this isn't you, then one of you is bored or staying due to comfort and lonliness. The honeymoon phase is there chemically in your brain to push your boundaries and connect with a new person, but at the end of it a real connection should be there.
This is all coming from someone going strong 5 years in and more in love than ever. Also some people might not like this but its true for me and a lot of other people, if the sex is bad, or you don't think they can protect and provide for you, they will just start to annoy you.

Anonymous 273028

THIS x 100

When you meet "the one" you just know it. You'll never get frustrated or bored with "the one" and if you aren't feeling that with your current boyfriend OP, then he's not the one.

Anonymous 273029

It honestly makes me sick hearing couples talk about 'honeymoon phase' like what you think youre just supposed to love your lifelong partner for 3 months and then 50 years of trying to get away from them? Being in a relationship thats not going well actually makes me want to kms.

Anonymous 273031

he a qt, stay away from him

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