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Anonymous 273015

Why is it always women commenting on my body? I was self conscious about lacking curves. It was always the women/girls telling me "eat a sandwich" and "you look sick/anorexic" and "men only want curves" and more. Why do women do this to each other? What happened to body positivity?

Anonymous 273016

body positivity was never a thing. It was just yuppies trying to make themselves feel virtuous.

Anonymous 273018

I used to make comments like that (though less rude) because I was genuinely concerned. Most comments on my body I've gotten by women were out of some sort of concern while those I got from men were out of disgust.

Anonymous 273023


Anonymous 276561

>What happened to body positivity?
It’s now about being fat, if you’re skinny you must hate fat people, therefore you are the enemy and must become fat or die.

Anonymous 276568

Because the patriarchy has tricked women into actually thinking about our bodies as existing to please men. They’re just repeating the propaganda they’ve been fed.

Anonymous 276574

They're jealous that you're thinner than them and trying to drag you down to their level because it's easier than losing weight themselves.

Anonymous 280477

Because they're fat and 50% of men are fags who like twinks making you 100% more attractive in society by default.

Anonymous 281079

>Men are attracted to you because they don't like femininity
Not really the praise you think it is.

Anonymous 281452

Isn't it natural to feel good about having an attractive appearance?

Anonymous 281460

They're envious. Think about it from the other side, you never (usually) see people outwardly saying "WOW you should eat less sandwiches" or "You look obese!" or "Men don't want fat chicks" directly to their face. It's only "body positivity" if it's about empowering fat people because it makes them feel better about themselves.

Anonymous 281461

Idk sounds cultural?

Anonymous 281490

It's not praise its the truth. Skinny women are superior. Everyone is attracted to us: straights, fags, and women. One size fits all. Cry about it.

Anonymous 281515

skinny male!!! hands typed this post

Anonymous 281521

Skinny women don't want your moid lard ass body sorry

Anonymous 281535

They’re envious and feel threatened by women who are thinner. There’s no other reason why you’d spout such bitchy nonsense to another person.

Anonymous 282078

as an underweight woman (bmi 17) literally no woman has ever told me that i should gain weight bc "men love curves" and everytime my mom or my moms friends tell me to gain weight ik its bc they care about my health and well being
stop acting like a retarded fuck, its so obvious youre a fat fuck trying to larp as skinny bc literally no skinny women gets upset when people care about their well-being, you migth get sad when people tell you to put the fork down but it doesnt wprk the other way around

Anonymous 282087

Someone clearly hasn't been around scrotes where they think anything above 110 is obese

Anonymous 282380

There are plenty of rude ass catty women who say that and worse to skinny women for a myriad of reasons. Your personal experiences are but a drop in the bucket of life kek

Anonymous 282455

Right. Just look at the comments for literally any ad for women’s clothing on instagram. Without fail there will always be tons of comments shrieking about “sHoW how iT lOokS on aReAl woMan noT a TwIg.”

Anonymous 282466

I've seen it happen. I had a friend back in high school who was naturally very slim and I remember girls "joking" to her face that she looked like a string bean and should eat a sandwich, it was dumb

Anonymous 282483

i feel like this is the kind of thing that only happens in school but i could be wrong. one time my friend told me to eat a burger because my arm was really skinny and i felt so shitty because i wasnt even trying not to eat back then i was just sick and i didnt know it. he wasnt trying to make me feel bad i think he was genuinely just concerned because i did look very fragile but it still kinda hurt and made me wonder if everyone saw me that way.

Anonymous 282531

Kek exactly. Another common one is "sOmE oF uS aCtUaLlY hAvE -insert body part here-" when commenting on clothing. Tangentially related but my friend made fun of a top I picked out at the store and said it was for "flat ass anorexic bitches" and I'm apparently supposed to take that in stride but if I said something similarly mean spirited about her body and clothing she'd be in shambles. I understand that society treats bigger women horrifically but you don't need to be bitchy to other women who have never done that to you y'know? Also I'm not an anachan and never have been but people love throwing that word around and it's upsetting

Anonymous 282633

I’m sorry your friend said that. It’d be like if you responded with “so true, this top would look like shit if you’re a fatty.” Most people would agree that’s an incredibly rude thing to say. I don’t know why so many think that negative commentary is justified when it’s about someone who isn’t overweight.

Anonymous 283637

Women are just as much if not more inherently misogynistic than men, but honestly you can tie that back to men as well. Ever since birth, women are raised to believe they always need to be skinny and pretty and perfect to appeal and find a good rich husband. Their own mothers usually have this effect on them. Rarely do mothers teach the importance of a good relationship with food and instead will chastise their daughters for eating too much or not enough.

Anonymous 283881

>Someone clearly hasn't been around scrotes where they think anything above 110 is obese
I'm in a college class and some stupid moid called the aphrodite of knidos statue fat, it was almost surreal to see him make such an ass of himself in front of the entire class

Anonymous 285053

As a fatass I can confirm she only said that because she's jealous and seething you are not a lardass and clothes look good on you

Anonymous 285809

Just because it didn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it can’t happen. I’ve always been naturally skinny and I used to get picked on for being so flat, it really messed with my self esteem as a kid. It’s always been women and girls pointing it out too, moids usually just say that you’re ugly. It probably gave me disordered eating habits because whenever people pointed out how skinny I was I’d just want to do it more because I felt like I was doing a good job. I’m better now though.

Anonymous 286057

to be frank, BMI 17 doesn’t register as underweight to most people just like bmi 26 does register as overweight - especially when you consider bf%, both of these BMIs can be a fully healthy and healthy-looking weight for some people. But when you get to the point where people notice you are skinny and someone can say for certain “this person is underweight” people are not kind. They say all the things they’d think about fat people in their head but actually out loud when it’s a thin person because it’s acceptable. It’s considered a triumph to put thin women down because “ha! take that beauty standards!” when this is an actual breathing human and this woman has probably already been told this multiple times already. Other anon is right that it’s always women too. Men either just say they don’t find you attractive “I like ass/boobs” or they fetishise you for being small kek

Anonymous 286100

Women have higher beauty standards for other women than men do tbh. Males only care about what makes their dicks rise, and it's a wide, wide variety of women. and men, and objects, etc

Anonymous 286115

I havent heard that much since I was in high school. Adult women who comment like that seem to be either bitter and insecure or retards that never grew out of their mean girl phase. Try to call it out and surround yourself with women who dont do this, I know it is not always possible but if you have the choice.

Anonymous 286426

This. I get it from female relatives all the time, but the kicker is they're skinnier than me so they have no room to speak. I was the punching bag for so long growing up because I grew up in the early 00s when anyone who wasn't stick thin was considered a fatass. Got bullied by my dad who always told my relatives to buy me clothing several sizes too big around Christmas time, which is the only time i'd see my extended family, because he'd exaggerate my weight and it gave me a complex. I never developed an eating disorder at least, because I have the sense to understand that one needs to eat a balanced diet and do regular physical activity of some sort to stay healthy, but anytime I approach a weight that's good for me, I get the "omg you're too skinny, i'm worried about you!!" fake concern trolling from female relatives who want me to stay on the bottom rung… but they also liked to call me a pig when I was on the chubby side. Unless someone's at a dangerous weight, it's nobody's damn business as far as i'm concerned.

Anonymous 286810

This depends entirely on the location/culture. Anything below BMI 20-21 freaks people out if you live in the midwest/south of america and they will tell you to eat a burger. BMI 17 in those places is like BMI 14 in NYC/LA or something.

Anonymous 286887

Women internalize insane beauty standards from the moment they're born and learn to value their own worth as a person based on their looks, so of course so many girls grow up to be jealous of other/younger girls and try to drag them down.

There are women who see through this bullshit and don't care about those things, or actively try to help other women/girls stop obsessing so much about it.

Anonymous 287235

body positivity is for fat girls to delude themselves. As a skinny woman, you're oppressing them because you are the favored group, something something marxism.

Anonymous 287338

ah, you do get picked on for being flat, but i see it kind of separate from getting picked on for being skinny since moids basically want an anorexic body with big boobs

Anonymous 287355

Bmi 17 doesn’t look good on most women and undereating makes your skin and hair look worse so you have to get fake hair or wear a lot of makeup

Anonymous 287365

If a lot of moids are calling you ugly, the problem might more that your face isn’t pretty. You can try looksmaxing

Anonymous 287366

>Unironically uses the term lookmaxxing
Incel moid detected

Anonymous 287574

Yeah, it sucks, middle school years were hell. I was so envious of other girls who were also thin, but had hourglass figures or boobs. I’ve always just been rectangle shaped and you can’t really change that. You’d have to either get pregnant or fuck up your body with waist training, or get plastic surgery, so all I do is eat right. I think I’m more accepting of my body now since that’s just how I’m built and that’s okay. Women’s bodies shouldn’t be a trend where BBLs are the hot new thing until they’re not anymore and now everyone is into heroin chic. It’s a disgusting mentality and the only way to win is to not play their game.

Anonymous 287794

i agree completely nona, i used to feel EXTREMELY insecure in highschool, but hating males honestly helped with my insecurities a lot

Anonymous 296759

Patriarchy happened. Women's worth is deduced to how they look, and many become obsessed with it and project their own insecurities on to others due to internalized misogyny and a desire to be loved or treated fairly and a fear of competition/losing that.

Anonymous 296761

Why does it feel like this is the only solution though?

Originally I didn't want to go this way, but if you don't.. they drown your mind in abuse of some kind from all sides. You just know you can't trust them from the get go. Opening up your mind to moids is pretty much gauranteed to poison you mentally pretty fast. Its like you have no choice but to hate them, because if you start to like them they design the culture to immediately make you hate your women-centric things, your beliefs. All the times you do get positive feedback you don't believe it, because of how they spread deepfake porn, childporn, why they hate this woman or that woman for whatever. How much they criticize women naround you. You just genuinely cant trust anything they say.

Anonymous 296774

>hating males honestly helped with my insecurities a lot
Based. I wish to learn your ways
By and large they have no standarts if we're being truly honest

High-key disgusting, but what can you do when you're cursed with heterosexuality?

Anonymous 297354

men learn at a young age never to comment or give health advice to women. Given that they are not interested in unattractive women in the first place, they really don't have any incentive to comment about their looks anyway. They would only ever do it to give advice and they understand that women wont take their advice.

Women on the other hand love to use words to control others or feel like they are better that you

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