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/b/ - Random


*Text* => Text

**Text** => Text

***Text*** => Text

[spoiler]Text[/spoiler] => Text

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Options NSFW image
Sage (thread won't be bumped)

Check the Catalog before making a new thread.
Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 273167

The anons, the anons
Post post post till the chan is full
The chan is full
Stay awake
In the dark room, count the images
The light was off, but now it's on
Searching inside for a bit of feels
The sun is out, the day is new
And everyone is waiting, waiting on you
And you've got time
And you've got time
Think of all the messages
Think of all the vocaroos
Everything is different
The second time around

Anonymous 273233

ai generated garbage

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