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Getting revenge on scammers Anonymous 273486

For the past 2 months, I've been hounded by a debt collection company for a medical bill that I had already payed for. After attempting to resolve the issue professionally to no avail, I was able to figure out that that the laboratory I took my medical test at AND the debt collection agency are working in cahoots to fabricate fake medical bills. I confronted them over email and while they denied all accusations, they nonetheless decided to cancel my debt "out of generosity" (i.e. they understood I wasn't going to pay them and they had no legal claim, so they gave up on their scam). I was able to find hundreds of testimonies online of people complaining about the same tactics from those two same companies.

While I didn't have to pay for my fake bill, a lot of my time and energy was wasted by them, doubly so since this was happening while I was in the process of moving from one country to another. I want to fuck with them to get some revenge.

Does anyone here know of some predatory websites I can give the companies' email adresses to that will bombard them with junk mail, phishing scams, etc? Ideally I'd want to clutter their inbox with garbage to the point where it's unusable, but anything causing a small annoyance would already be good.

Anonymous 275560


just DDOS them

Anonymous 275684


This. If they're scammers you should disrupt their website's traffic. Make it impossible for them to make money.

Anonymous 275774

hahahaha are you retarded???

Anonymous 276211

dat dog.jpg

they will never know what happened

Anonymous 276215

if yor country has something like the FTC you could always report them, it might result in a years long investigation and potential arrests if you get lucky. Spam filtering is pretty good nowadays so that is not so useful unless they use their own email domain, so if its @gmail, dont bother

Anonymous 297503


gmail is absolutely ass

Anonymous 297575

This. It is beyond me why anyone would use it.

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