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Which fast food chain has the best burger? Anonymous 273944

Anonymous 273952

I honestly don't know, but I think they are all very bad. I make my own patties and burgers, it's very easy and a lot cheaper than that absurdly overpriced crap from the fast food places where you don't even know exactly what's in them or how old they are or how rancid the fat was that they were fried in. The people who work in these places are never happy and hate their jobs and nothing in these kitchens is clean and it stinks like shit within a 5 kilometer radius of these places and a veritable garbage belt surrounds these places because only completely irresponsible people who don't give a shit about anything eat this shit.

Anonymous 274026

culvers (with bacon)

Anonymous 274050

Honestly my home made burgers are better than anything ive had from a restaurant.
1lb 80% lean ground beef
1 cup crumbs of garlic&cheese croutons you ground in blender
1 egg
4- tbsp worcestershire sauce
salt, pepper, onion powder liberally

pan frying:
slice up thin onion slivers, cut them radially
in lightly oiled pan put down patty sized pile of onion slivers ahd crush it under raw hamburger patty so it becomes compressed inside and sticks to the patty when you flip it

cook until brown and a tiny bit blackened

sauce for burger
1 part ketchup, 1 part mustaard, 1 part mayo, 1 part sweet relish

i havent made these in ages god i need to cook these again

Anonymous 274067

My vote used to go to,Wendy's but after having a beconator after not having any fast food for about 4 years it was just totally meh. Not sure if I've grown disatisfied with them or if they've gotten worse.
Them being a whole $4 more than they used to be didn't fucking help

Anonymous 274068


Anonymous 274076

probably burger king since it's actual food. Five guys is better but too expensive so burger king.

Anonymous 296416


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