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Homemade Cheese Thread Anonymous 274072

I use lime juice and whole milk to make homemade cheese. How do you make your cheese?

Anonymous 274075

Only the same as you. Just some type of acid like lime or lemon juice and milk. I’d have no idea where to start to make something more sophisticated. I love cooking but the fancy multiday sourdough recipes and elaborate witches brew type concoctions you have to do to make cheese or anything fermented flys over me

Anonymous 274193

Mozzarella is easy to make but any aged or hard cheese needs special supplies like rennet

Anonymous 274195

Can you even make cheese from store bought milk, probably won't be very nutritious or tasty

Anonymous 274196

I just use regular whole milk for making cheese. The more fat the better the cheese. So avoid low fat milk.

Anonymous 274626

I stick the mexican three cheese from the store, in the microwave for 5 mins and when it comes out it is Lilly du fromage.

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