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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Why the Fuck do Moids Keep Posting This Ugly Robot Anonymous 274231

Whenever I browse 4chan and some incelshit woman hate thread thread pops up, it seems like somebody will post picrel or similar almost every time. What is this thing? I know its a webcomic, but why do they spam this shit? The webcomic itself isn't even related to incel content.

Anonymous 274232

i think it's called a nandroid or something
>why do they spam this shit?
because it appeals to their fantasy of replacing women with obedient machines

Anonymous 274235

Who cares? Let them build robots. It will make them leave us alone.

Anonymous 274236

Maybe it's because they're like chamber pots that need to be separated in a corner and can't get along with anyone, just robots.

Anonymous 274237

Immediately above this is the pinned post saying don't make threads like this.

Anonymous 274238

>why do they spam this shit?
The only way for them to understand women would be for women to function like technology
>The webcomic itself isn't even related to incel content.
Well it's about robot waifus, so

Anonymous 275510

women will always be an imperfect to them. real people have real tangible emotion. a nice robot to support you emotionally is an ideal for them and you can give it an idealized personality

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