
Anonymous 274410
>how do nonas like their steaks?
Anonymous 274412
If you cook a steak any way other than medium then you are actually dumb and stupid
Anonymous 274413
Curious, how people only talk about cow meat when it comes to vegan discourse, although pigs have it way worse (I say a person who worked both on industrial dairy farm and industrial pig farm) Beef cows have it the best among all farm animals.
Anyway, I don't eat them (and many other stuff) due to my disease. I don't think eating meat is immoral, but honestly, cows are much more interesting when they are alive
Anonymous 274419
>>274413>but honestly, cows are much more interesting when they are aliveYou wouldn't be saying that if you could eat them (sorry to hear that btw, that sucks) but yes, cows are very cool
Anonymous 274439

>>274413Samefag, but despite not being vegan, I hate when people comment shit like "nice steak/bacon" on pics with cute farm animals. Those jokes are not funny and are very repetitive. And those people won't say something about dog meat under cute puppy picture. Let people enjoy living animals.
Anonymous 274440
I've moved onto chicken and turkey for most of my meals and I feel good about it. Very rarely will I actually consume beef anymore, maybe once a month?
I just don't give a crap about birds, tough luck.
Anonymous 274444
>>274439This. It's just not funny but people will see you not finding it funny as being a triggered vegan. Really I've seen way more people complaining about vegans/vegetarians or even trying to trigger them, start an argument, get them to eat meat etc. when they're just minding their own business.
Anonymous 274450

I really like the beijin beef from china express
Anonymous 274455
>>274454panda asjdfaksjdfhkasjdhfjashdfjk
Anonymous 274462
>>274457Joke failed, this breed of cattle isn't raised for veal, so he'll grow into adulthood
Anonymous 274551
My family are redneck hunters so the meat I probably eat the most of is venison. Wonder how much chronic wasting disease is in my brain rn.
Anonymous 274619
>>274439It's such a common response because of cognitive dissonance. People can obviously tell they're being wildly immoral by consuming animals but don't want to stop so they get defensive and bleat "lol bacon XD" "how do u like STEAK which I EAT btw" etc.
If they didn't recognize on some level what they were doing is wrong, they wouldn't get so defensive about it and seethe so hard at vegans.
Anonymous 274689
yes. they are my favorite animals because they are so useful: delicious meat, yummy milk, and versatile leather! best animal
Anonymous 274726

oh yeah, steak is one of my favorite foods and I love trying out different restaurants. if we're talking about beef in general, tacos are ok too I guess
>>274412this is correct
picrel the largest and most expensive ($150) steak dinner I had
Anonymous 274730

>>274726My weakness is the beef rib. Bonus if side of corn.
Anonymous 274756

Related to this thread, but I've seen a cute Angus calf prancing around on my trip from work to home and it made me smile.
Btw, Angus is the breed of cattle most of you get your steaks from
Anonymous 274762
Prefer chicken or fish or eggs for every day but I do enjoy beef on occasion.
Anonymous 275307
>>275260birds do have souls its just the particular color of this bird in the pic doesnt
Anonymous 275448
cows are adorable. i don’t think the adorableness of an animal should factor into whether it’s eaten. if you can eat a cow, you shouldn’t look down on someone who eats dogs, horses, pigs, or other cute and familiar domestic animals.
Anonymous 275452
>>275448I like bringing up rabbits in that context. Lots of people keep them as pets but lots of people eat them too. It's not that much weirder to eat a dog or a cat imo.
Anonymous 275453
>>275452But even in korea and china people deny eating dogs and cats. Everybody everwhere eats rabbit. I wish i could raise them in hutches for meat because they breed so fast. Can basically be fed hay from any field. And taste great and don't have a ton of calories.
Anonymous 275454
Plus they are dumb as hell looking and trigger my cuteness aggression anyway so meh