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TÜRKİYE VS netherlands thread Anonymous 274432

Anonymous 274442

Now that Germany's out and there won't be a showdown between them and Turkey I hope Turkey loses sooner rather than later.

Anonymous 274478

fuck u motherfucker

Anonymous 274486


Anonymous 274488

scrote thread who cares

Anonymous 274491

I fear for the safety of turkish women right now

Anonymous 274586

>enjoying a male dominated hobby makes you a moid
Are you unironically saying this on cc? Do you expect women to be caricatures of what media portraits them to be like? Yes, it's men's football specifically, but it's also overall the bigger event than women's football and I've been watching it with my family since forever.

Anonymous 274587

get rekt lol

Anonymous 274599

ok tranny

Anonymous 274602

it's over for Türkiye

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