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gay agenda.jpg

Anonymous 274869

Does anyone else feel bad when a cute moid turns out to be gay? its like what a waste of genes

Anonymous 274880

Not really, men aren't scarce.

Anonymous 274881

no. gay mens' personalities are always shit anyways.

Anonymous 274888

No because they are hot and i shlick it to gay men

Anonymous 274896

I think it's worse when they turn out to be an incel/chud type loser. Nothing but a total waste.

Anonymous 274898

Never seen a good looking incel

Anonymous 274900


Anonymous 274906

More like samefujo

Anonymous 292956


Anonymous 293721

Most pretty boys I know are bi, usually they date more women as they get older. The hard-gay types have that gross scruffy bogan phenotype.

Anonymous 293803


Anonymous 294063

I just feel disgusted

Anonymous 294997


Post the real picture

Anonymous 295157


How do you fix and or prevent this from happening. I seems like some action needs to be taken if you actually want a introvert bf.

Anonymous 295170

You can't save someone from hating themselves sadly. Moids tend to stew in their own minds if they're left alone too long, so introverted men almost always go down that path.

Anonymous 295178

You have to be willing to ask introvert guys out.

Anonymous 295179

be aware that most are awaiting their manic pixie dream girl moment where she swoops in and turns their life upside-down

Anonymous 295193

Don't know about an introvert bf but I'd say you gotta try to meet one and make sure he's actually nice and having bad luck with girls didn't result in him actually hating women
I'm seeing this really sweet kinda shy nerdy guy (don't know if he leans towards extroversion or introversion) and one time he said "I really like girls but girls usually don't seem to like me. A vid about incels got recommended to me and I watched it and was like "Wait, is this me?" and after this I explained to him that unlike him most incels don't tend to be nice and they tend to actually hate women and want to take all rights away from them so it's unlikely that he would fit in. Gotta clear up confusions like this while they're not deep in this shit, I suppose.
Gotta be careful, . Sometimes a person may want this idea of a manic pixie dream girl and after they realize you're an actual person they may be greatly disappointed and go from putting you on a pedestal to absolutely devaluing you. Gotta make sure that introverted bf is actually a mature enough person not to do this

Anonymous 295195

Who cares tbh? They can do whatever they want with their lives

Anonymous 295199

But I want them to do me specifically

Anonymous 295240

What’s stopping you from getting a straight twink then?

Anonymous 295242

gay men always try to imitate female personalities, it ruins any attraction I might have felt previously

Anonymous 295243

Because of >>294997

Anonymous 295245

Those don't exist

Anonymous 295250

I’ve never met a pretty/cute guy who was a misogynist/incel. Hard to find one that’s ‘shy’ because they are very socialized on average.
I meant more like straight pretty boy and those definitely exist.

Anonymous 295251

>I meant more like straight pretty boy and those definitely exist.
No, the closest thing to that is a tomboy, or dare I say it, a male presenting TIF.

Anonymous 295253

>I’ve never met a pretty/cute guy who was a misogynist
How did you know they weren't misogynists? Did you read their minds to check?

Anonymous 295255

I think guys are good if they are good people. It’s just that all cute guys I’ve met have been good/decent, while most of the mid/ugly have harbored more unfavorable traits in addition to being socially retarded. Your typical incel phenotype will (surprise) usually be a shitty person in general.

Anonymous 295256

As a lesbian I've honestly noticed the same thing. Ugly, fat women are always rude and entitled and confrontational, but pretty girls are always so easy going and relaxed and happy.

Anonymous 295259

Good looking people are generally treated better so they probably develop more agreeable personalities as a result.

Anonymous 295263

Whatever scrotes. Still not having sex with any of your ugly incel asses no matter how much you cry that you're a "nice guy" underneath.

Anonymous 295265

Are you okay? What exactly is scrotish about >>295259? Don't worry, not looking to have sex with your paranoid ass.

Anonymous 295266

nta but you know you can't say anything back so you resorted to scrotefoiling lol

Anonymous 295289

when normal posts like that go missing usually it means something "broke"

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