This is a hard moment for Argentina Anonymous 274872
The Argentine people are suffering. There is 100% inflation in 6 months, poverty does not stop rising, reaching 45%, taxes are increasingly higher, and although our president is called a neoliberal conservative, the reality is very different, since even with the strong and brutal adjustment that people suffer, the government allocated more than 8 million dollars in estrogen for the feminization of adults, the elderly, and children.
Argentina is suffering, and needs the solidarity of all the anons.
Anonymous 288884
>>274872Wait I’m happy this thread got bumped. I am a burgerchan but have many friends and a few distant family members (Milei nuts) from Argentina. they say that while there is definitely suffering right now, it’ll turn out to be for the best in the long term.
They seem so convinced but I’m still not sure. You have my solidarity forever and always.
Anonymous 288912
>>274872sounds like a great time to return to las malvinas
Anonymous 289045
Did argentina ever had a good moment
Anonymous 289340
I'm just shocked that someone who said their deceased pet dog gave them advice on finances was allowed in.
I noticed the right-wing burgers who were cheering him on and insisting Argentina would go great places because the president has blue eyes and is racist have suddenly gone quiet.
Anonymous 289587
Milei is working hard to turn argentina into the first fourth world country
Anonymous 289591
Kim there are people dying
Anonymous 289677
>>274872>a neoliberal conservativeHe's a what? How does that work?
Anonymous 290226
>>289045no lol we were actually talking about this in accounting class today (teacher started going on a history tangent). we've never had a proper ''stable'' economic time really, this has been going on since the 1800's, worsened during the 90's, and is worsening again in this current era
Anonymous 290492
>>289587Sorry but India already exists.
Anonymous 290572
Deserved, hate Argentina hate Argentinians
Anonymous 290743
Are you guys really so fucking politically illiterate that you don't know what neoliberalism is? Holy shit
Anonymous 290806
how and why did the decline start?
Anonymous 290824
>>290806Argentina has always had a very corrupt government. It doesn't matter to what political party they belong, none of them care about anything but their own money.
Anonymous 291181
im so tired of living worse each year…
Anonymous 291705
>>274872keep seething we have 3 world cups and thats what matters
Anonymous 292027
>>290743>>288884The one who is really in charge of him is his sister Karina, whom he calls "the boss" among other businessmen. This government is not liberal, taxes are rising every day, there are strong restrictions on the purchase of dollars, They keep issuing money, They gave away a quarter of the gold reserves to the UK, and industrial activity is at rock bottom
On the social side, the government appointed a communist terrorist as Minister of Security.
This government is anything but liberal
Anonymous 292031
>>289045>>290226I think the Argentine decline occurred in 1930, with the crash of 29. And throughout the 20th century, there were only military, radical and Peronist governments, where they always put in place liberal and populist measures, always in favor of foreigners, especially in the dictatorships that were financed by them.
The situation is so serious that in 1955, in order to kill Peron, the Argentine Air Force bombed the Plaza de Mayo, killing 800 people.
Anonymous 292293
>>292027>>289677neoliberal and liberal means two completely different things. neoliberals are free-market capitalists, they are not necessarily socially liberal or even pro-democracy, if anything they're often rightwing. they belive the state should be in service to market interests. thatcher, reagan, liz truss are neoliberals.
milei isn't a liberal in the us sense of the term but his brand of small-governement, pro-capital aggressive libertarianism falls within neoliberalism.
Anonymous 292344
>>292293Milei is not a liberal, neoliberal, nor does she support capitalist measures.
No liberal would raise taxes, increase social programs for transvestites, or print money.
Anonymous 292345
>>292344can you read? no one is saying he's a liberal. neoliberal means something completely different
Anonymous 292347
>>292293Nta but they are not a liberal party or any kind of neoliberal
anything youre trying to push. You admitted youre from america, so maybe your politics are confusing you about what is and isnt liberal.
Anonymous 292349
>>292347ayrt there's more than two anons in this thread and i'm not from the us…
Anonymous 292557
I'm so tired of this government nonitas and every day seems like a nightmare and a badly written sketch from a comedy show. I get why this party won but it still amazes me how people even thought (specially middle and lower class) that this was gonna benefit them.
Plus the whole discourse around dictartoship negationism makes me so sad.
Anonymous 292734

>>292557Whoever wins, this country is doomed. The puppet may change, but the puppeteers are the same. There is no sovereignty here, the politician on duty will always bow to foreigners, whether for their economic benefit.
>that this was gonna benefit them.Plus the whole discourse around dictartoship negationism makes me so sad
The dictatorships ruled this country for a quarter of a century, and although there is much talk of more than 30,000 dead, The reality is that only the last dictatorship left an exorbitant debt, generating a terrible hyperinflation, and a complete destruction of the industry. The last dictatorship killed more people due to its brutal economic crises than by direct death. For me, the sad thing is not that they try to justify what they did, the sad thing is the brutal political fanaticism of the population, where even if they go to the supermarket to buy something and see an increase of 2 or 3 digits in some product, they will still tell you in the most pathetic way possible that things are going down, and that the Argentine peso is revaluing.
Pero si te soy honesta, la verdad todo lo de arriba me chupa un huevo. Hace años acepte que este pais esta condenado, y lo unico que quiero es poder salir sin tener que pensar si voy o no a poder volver.
Anonymous 293336
So is politics actually allowed as a topic here? I'm confused.
Anonymous 293536
>>292344>>No liberal would raise taxes, increase social programs for transvestites, or print the US, liberals do all 3 of those.
Anonymous 294002
>>293536Lol nta but I’m pretty sure that was a joke
Anonymous 294266
I want to dress in lolita fashion again but these last governments make it impossible. Between the ridiculous high taxes for importing and the decline of salaries even buy a cheap second hand jane marple skirt is impossible. Also the banks and brubank aren't giving credit cards like before.
Really living the fourth world experience.
And you go to see Brasil and they have better salaries, I see the secondhand market for lolita alive, they are industrialized, they are inside the brics, while we with our pro-west-democracy-maga goverment are living like in a communist shithole from last century.
Anonymous 294288
Are there any FCEN/Exactas miners here?
Anonymous 294313
I’n not from a South American country so maybe I’m about to sound stupid. But you guys have MERCOSUR, right? So wouldn’t that supposedly make it easier to go to a better off country like Brazil (if you learn Portuguese) or Uruguay (if you are lucky enough to save money?) I’m genuinely curious what the holes in MERCOSUR are that are preventing more Argentines from taking advantage of it and getting the hell out of dodge. Is it only about not being able to save enough given the exchange rates and low salaries or is there more to it?
Anonymous 295224
I wish I knew miners IRL, Argentina is full of pickmes
Anonymous 295238
>>294313I think it’s just not common for Argentines to move away, even just to another part of Argentina. Kind of a pity, their country is so diverse with jungle, desert, salt desert, glaciers, etc.
Anonymous 295257
Move to Chile, we love Argentinians (the internet of course doesn't share the same thought but its the internet, not IRL).
I hope for Argentina the best, is sad how the taxes are when it comes to digital products and importing fees are, or even earning in USD is a pain in the ass there.
Anonymous 295443
>>292557this is what i think everyday! i know the situation has been bad for a while but why the hell did such a huge portion of the population think that THIS crazy ass would ''save'' us? insane. i'm so tired nonas.
>>292734la cuestión es a dónde irse
Anonymous 295903

I'm a leftist but I think the ancap Argentine president is kinda cute in a mad scientist way
Anonymous 295983
google "middle income trap"
thats whats plaguing argentina
if we can get a high tech, grand scale industrial scheme that surpasses the internal market then this country wont be doomed
the problem is that you need strong state intervention for that and everyone became a minarchist nowadays. i dont think shit blowing up in their faces will make them change their mind either so its up for people who are not corrupt shits like cfk, macri and milei to fix it
Anonymous 297645
>>295983 we 100% have the potential to be an industrial powerhouse but el problema de argentina son los argentinos and we keep shooting ourselves in the foot every fucking year for the past 200 years and keep bootlicking foreigners for some reason
Anonymous 297688
>>295903he was cute af when younger but he's gross now
Anonymous 297811
I don't want to be abroad but I know I will have a much worse quality of life if I go back. s my dream would be to live in la Patagonia or something, having a farm in the countryside, taking care of as many animals as I can… if only Argentina would have a stable economy.
>>297676no he doesn't, it looks greasy yet dry at the same time.