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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 274885

What's it called when the more a person is genuinely kind to you the more uncomfortable and distant you become?

Anonymous 274886

For me personally, The nicer someone is to me the more scared I get disappointing them thus getting more distant…

Anonymous 274890

Anonymous 274891

I'm talking about other women trying to befriend me tard

Anonymous 274893

Same applies
We all need a healthy dose of toxicity in our lives, everyone knows “nice” people are just a bunch of fakers. Kindness is only valuable when it comes from people who are honest enough to show you their true feelings

Anonymous 274895

Have fun scaring every bit of kindness people have to offer away.

Anonymous 275109

This usually means that as a child you only received attention from your parents almost exclusively when they were unhappy with you.

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