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IC XC NIKA Anonymous 275216

what do you think about Jesus Christ, the God-man?

Anonymous 275218


and what do you think about the Theotokos, Ever Blessed and Most-Pure and the Mother of our God, the Ever-Virgin Mary?

Anonymous 275220


Anonymous 275221


Anonymous 275222


Anonymous 275225

Screenshot 2024-07…

Anonymous 275232

I'm very sorry that I'm such a wretch, Jesus

Anonymous 275445

Religion is a moid invention to subjugate women, among other things.
I feel nothing but contempt towards it.

Anonymous 275450

image-asset (4).jp…

I think the sexy jesus fad is pretty based

Anonymous 275451

image-asset (1).jp…

Ah yes there are so many of these

Anonymous 275479

Christianity is one of the few religions which goes out of it's way to protect women. Retard.

Anonymous 275482

lmao wat

Anonymous 275556


Anonymous 275561

one of the few religions which goes out of it's way to protect women
Lol. lmao even.

Anonymous 275571

Which major world religion would you say does a better job? Islam? Buddhism? Judaism?
All of the scriptures for those are much more extreme. It's no coincidence 1st gen sufferagettes used Christianity as a focal point.

Anonymous 275572


Anonymous 275573

Anonymous 275580

Protect from whom, may I ask?

Anonymous 275582

Christianity is entirely for women. The religion punishes all the primal awful bits of moid nature which were totally acceptable at the time and are increasingly acceptable once again in this day and age. All the tenets of the faith are more easily followed by women than men, which is why nuns and holy women are so respected. Christianity telling women to obey their husbands is one of those things that barely happens in reality - old-fashioned southern med families are basically all run by the mama to an almost laughable degree. French Catholicism led them to being one of the first and most feminist societies on earth to this day. There’s a reason redpillers make fun of christians for being cucks or pussy whipped.
And if you think there’s a better way to spread virtue to men than Christianity, I would love to hear it. I’m sure anti-harassment courses at work will have more power than the trembling fear of the almighty.
Islam on the other hand openly says that hell will be populated by many more women than men, allows harems, abuse, mutilation, and pretty much anything. You can divorce your wife just because she’s bad at sex. Yet all the girlies root for Palestine while posting about how much they heccin hate Christianity. Go figure.

Anonymous 275583

Jeanne d’Arc, Isabella of Spain, Queen Elizabeth, Christianity had women in well-respected positions power even in the 1400s and ironically there’s no female leaders that command their level of respect even today. Take of that what you will.

Anonymous 275627

there are christians in palestine being mass murdered by israel and churches bombed by the idf so i dont see what your point is. it's not really a religious conflict as many palestinian resistance leaders were christians too. Like george habash.

Anonymous 275628


>crystal.cafe is not a place for political debate. Refrain from posting about race/ethnicity and religion

Anonymous 276108

I don't understand why someone would live a life of larp to try and control men

>All the tenets of the faith are more easily followed by women than men

I wonder about that

>Christianity telling women to obey their husbands is one of those things that barely happens in reality

It's part of christianity nonetheless. Excluding the things that are hard for you from needing to be obeyed is probably why you think christianity is easier for women.

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