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Anonymous 275374

Do wear make-up when you are alone at home or just when you go out? Do you even wear make-up at all? I just put a fuckload of kajal around my eyes, not because I want to look pretty for some dumb fuckers, but because it fits my attitude of a drunken pirate.

Anonymous 275375


i only wear makeup when i go outside and when i'm not too lazy to do it. I mostly just put on eyeshadow and mascara, not much more

Anonymous 275377

Sometimes, sometimes not. Depends on my mood I guess.

When I was younger and pretty insecure I didn't feel productive when I didn't put makeup on even if I stayed at home all day, I'm glad I've left that fase behind.

Anonymous 275379

I never do. I'm scared that once I start wearing it, I will perceive my normal face as weird and 'nude'. Also it costs a lot of money if you're dedicated to it and there's really no point for me as I just never got into it.

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