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Anonymous 275629

How do you survive with only twenty dollars a week?

Anonymous 275631

dumpster dive 😉

Anonymous 275634


Rice, beans, learn to bake and flour shall become a cheat code, (though whether the time investment is worth it is up to you). Canned goods are great and shelf stable so you don't have to worry about it going bad and can stock up when your purse is a little heavier that week. Buy bulk frozen veggies. Meat's tough right now, stick to chicken or pork and only buy what's on sale. Beef is not worth it. Start reading flyers honestly, you can get them online, in the mail, or free at stores themselves, not sure if you can drive but only buying sale items will drastically help you save money, couponing is also great but I could never be assed to do it. Whether or not this will all be doable with 20$ a week remains to be seen but it's better then blowing half of it on a single big mac combo like an idiot.

Anonymous 275641


>15 eggs 3.79€

>ground beef 400g 3.99€
>2dl cream 0.59€
>1kg apples 1.49€
>500g carrots 0.99€
>1kg potatoes 0.99€
>litre yogurt 1.39€
>300g frozen berries 1.19€
>300g dry bread 1.49€
>bell pepper spread 1.35€

0.16€ left, but this is not the cheapest way ofc. It's just how I would probably do it.

Anonymous 275645

Eh, I've meant to plan this week's menu anyway.
Cabbage soup for 4 days
>cabbage 3,40 €
>3 carrots 0,60 €
>onion 0,10 €
>garlic 0,30 € (1/3 used)
>ground meat 3 €
>beef stock 1€ (1/5)
>marjoram, paprika, cayenne pepper - mama buys them for me
Baked potatoes for 1,5 days
>6-8 potatoes 0,70 €
>can of tuna 1,50 €
>feta 1,40 € (1/2)
An omelette for 1,5 days
>4-6 eggs 2,60 €
>4 champignons 1,70 €
>3 tomatoes 0,80 €
>feta 1/2

My remaining 1,44 € will be invested in alcohol or chocolate

Anonymous 275646


Anonymous 275647


This is some of the advise I can give that is legal.

Anonymous 275653

Eggs come in cartons of 12-15 unless they're premium organic shit nona. You can't just buy 1-3 eggs in a single shopping trip.

Anonymous 275654

wtf the mcdonalds thing is crazy

Anonymous 275675

If we're only talking groceries, 20 dollars a week isn't that bad, provided you do your own cooking. Milk is still pretty cheap for a gallon, eggs and flour go a long way, a bag of beans will give you enough to eat for the entire week and you have plenty left over for whatever.

Obviously the real clincher that nobody talks about is spices, if you don't already have spices those are gonna cost you and there isn't much you can do to save. The dollar store actually has a lot of spices in small amounts, you're paying more per pound and their selection is trash but if you magically only had 20 bucks and had to scrounge together something edible it's not the worst you could eat. Just don't tell me to eat lentils, they taste like fucking dirt and they're not nearly as cost effective as something like a bag of dried pinto beans. Lentils are such a meme.

Anonymous 275694

Lentils taste amaaazing. You probably haven't cooked them right. Try making something like italian wedding soup.

Anonymous 275696

Buy rice, beans, flour and milk. Grow potatoes, onions, carrots, celery and garlic. Steal lemons, eggs, ginger and spices from grocery monopoly giants. Dumpster dive for baked goods and more expensive vegetables or fruit.

Anonymous 275710

I love how 99% of it is "be a karen and demand a refund" kek

Anonymous 275712

The free eggs is good advice. I always see a box with a cracked shell or two.

Anonymous 275723

Get a job

Anonymous 275725

basically you eat beans

Anonymous 275726

Trust me, I've had lentils every which way. It's not their seasoning or lack thereof, it's the flavor of the lentils themselves I hate.

Anonymous 275733

>posted by a moid from 4chan
men can be karens too?

Anonymous 275734

Moids are bigger karens.

Anonymous 275750

Anonymous 275751


I feel like most of these only work in the US where customer satisfaction is sacred.

Anonymous 275753

it's not worse in europe.

Anonymous 275785

This might also be helpful
It's a cookbook with recipes that are cheep, but still somewhat healthy.

Anonymous 275799

Rice, beans, flour, also look into plants that are easily grown in small spaces or don’t need much room (if you’re in an apartment or renting a house or in general are stuck in limited space ). Potatoes and carrots for example.

Anonymous 275812


Pork is cheaper than beef

Anonymous 275815

Lots of beans, rice, and frozen vegetables, but you're probably going to also need to dumpster dive.

Anonymous 275819

beans and rice
mashed potatoes
butter, parm and pasta.

Anonymous 275824

Producing your own food on a small scale doesn't tend to be cheaper than buying it.

Anonymous 275833

buy some good food atleast you wont even be eating everything you prob getting tired of it just buy something cheap good food

Anonymous 275847

Just eat your boyfriends food?

Anonymous 275862

boyfriend probably only eats taco bell 12 months out of a year and hanging to life by a thread

Anonymous 275934

Men are so useless.

Anonymous 275936

Is priceless when women do manhood better than men.

Anonymous 275946



Anonymous 275972

why are they cooking him

Anonymous 275985

Men taste good

Anonymous 275988

Frozen bags of mixed vegetables
Tea bags
Instant ramen squares

Mostly spread out the rice and instant ramen with mixed vegetables added for Lunch/Dinner, the eggs with a side of rice/vegetables for Breakfast, and cheap tea bags so I can boil water with my electric kettle for drinks since I'll need to cut back on diet soda with only $20 to last a week.

Anonymous 276001

Dont do this you could get prions and die

Anonymous 276022

Unlikely, unless you specifically eat the brains rare

Anonymous 276024


But that's the best part

Anonymous 276056

no they taste pretty gross. i think you have to cook them well done

Anonymous 276057

4oz of ground meat(whichever has highest calorie to price ratio, ignoring fat) a day (keep frozen in cooler, buy as big a bag of ice as you can fit)
Buy whatever can of beans has the highest calories to price ratio, with no added fat.
Flour or masa, whichever is cheaper.
Frozen peas, Rice, Potatoes, Onions, canned tomatoes. (or their cheapest equivalents where you live)
palate of chicken ramen eat 1-2 a week as a treat.
Actually here you have all the ingredients to make chili (which freezes well) aside from the spices.

Don't buy spices waste of money for not much in return, you could also probably find pre-spiced tomatoes (tomatoes in chili sauce) or beans

Cook in bulk and freeze it, you should be cooking once every 2 weeks at most.

Eat small portions 1500 calories a day is more than you need, very probably, light exercise and water suppress hunger

Anonymous 276058

Don't do this, you WILL catch cooties.

Anonymous 276059

T1 : White bread and peanut butter.
T2 : Eggs and cheapest legume
T3 : ground meat, sausage etc
Breakfast eggs and toast with peanut butter
Lunch beans and meat
No dinner, maybe some cheeze-its or goldfish (with campbells chicken noodle if you can get it at a food bank).

But honestly if you only have 20 a week to spend on food it's time to move in with multiple people and split rent, get on government assistance etc. etc.

Bulk cooking is the way to go, you don't want to ever be in this situation. Try to work up to at least a months worth of saved food.

Sales and coupons are to trick you and extract more of your money (and time). Ignore them completely. If you have the time to clip coupons you should be clipping classifieds

Anonymous 276060

designed to trick you*

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