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Anonymous 275902

Tomorrow I become a wagie. What should I expect?

Anonymous 275903

Lower back pain.

Anonymous 275919

crushing existentialism.

Anonymous 275920

If you're anything like me your feet are gonna hurt like hell eventually. Make sure you buy the best shoes you can Nona.

Anonymous 275928


They make you stand for eight hours without sitting. My feet are killing me.

Anonymous 275930

You get used to it eventually and this goes away but yeah, the first week or so suck for your feet.

Anonymous 275938

Invest in better shoes. Will save your life. And your feet. And your back.

Anonymous 276426


I had a job like this once. Could not walk normally the first few weeks. I quit cuz I got followed to the bathroom by a moid so I never rl got used to it.

Anonymous 295928


A disposable income and with it temptation to buy a bunch of dumb shit you'll regret wasting money on later on.

Also this >>275920
Brooks tend to be great over all walking/standing shoes. Speaking from experience as someone who works in a large grocery store and is constantly restocking shelves.

Anonymous 302019

how was it, we need updates

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