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programming nonas Anonymous 275947

Is it over for me for this career?I'm a grown ass adult picking up javascript literally spending 5 hours debugging a retarded react app and children literally make thousands a month online just writing web scrapers

Anonymous 275974

It's hard at first, but once you get used to it and use stuff like nextjs and mui/css in js (chakra, mantine) it gets easier. Also use typescript

Anonymous 276355

Plenty of adults make the career switch to SWE at all ages. Plus, I honestly don't see why you have any reason to believe that "thousands a month online" stuff.

Anonymous 276399

market is not good nowadays

Anonymous 276402

this is me and drawing furry porn

Anonymous 276403

deserved to be honest

Anonymous 276595

just make useful and novel programs and sell them or work for a major compony

Anonymous 276617

I will pay one of you to STEM nonas to tutor me on backend programming

Anonymous 276731

Why is this? I feel like everywhere hires programmers.

Anonymous 277724

>make thousands a month online just writing web scrapers
how and where? like i know how to write them

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