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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 275989

if you could read the messages (their main means of communication) between your s/o and their ex, what would you look for?

Anonymous 275991

ikik it's a boring answer but I wouldn't wanna look at them. I think it'd just hurt me for no reason and it's already in the past so who cares. But if I were to look through them I'd be hoping to find him being respectful and loving etc as it says a lot about what he's like as a partner. But then again too loving could be hurtful when reading through it. Stuff like
>I'll love you forever
>you're the only one for me
>I don't ever want to lose what we have
>I couldn't live without you
It all just feels wrong when you're the one being in a relationship with him now.
(I assume you mean messages from when they were together, not that they're still texting each other.)

Anonymous 275993

their sexting for sure

Anonymous 275995

You must choose a man that didn't have an ex, then you wouldn't have this debacle.

Anonymous 275996

A don't want to teach a man how to be in a relationship. He would have no experience basically a child.

Anonymous 276003

very bad. you should be more responsible

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