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does manifestation actually work Anonymous 276113

have any of yall actually succeeded? like gotten results so specific that it couldnt just be coincidence? or is it complete bs LOL

Anonymous 276115

It only makes sense and seems real in retrospect after you put in a lot of focused work

Anonymous 276118

no unfortunately it doesn’t

Anonymous 276131

It can work. I have 32DD boobs and I definitely was not going to get there naturally. I'm thin, too, so I know it was 100% a blessing instead of a genetic or natural related gift.

Anonymous 276141

I used to be super into all that magick stuff. I used to think I made some stuff happen. Sure it coulda been coincidence but I feel like sometimes it was something more.

Regardless I don't give it much thought anymore. Even if manifestation really is possible, it's so off-and-on that there's not much point in thinking about it.
Honestly I've grown disillusioned with the concept of hoping for miracles and that's all manifestation really is.

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