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Anonymous 276418

>be me
>Europe hot as shit
>can't go outside unless you go to a forest or beach
>can't afford to go to the beach everyday
>I am dying

Anonymous 276421

what if you just like
stay inside
with the window open
fan on
air conditioning

Anonymous 276422

>if I open the windows I'll die.
>I leave the AC on but if I do it for too long it will burst
>I have a job and have to go outside. Plus staying inside all day rots my brain.
I get that I sound whiny but in Europe it was always cold as fuck so we are not used to weather this hot.

Anonymous 276423

ok easy solution just stop being european then? kek

Anonymous 276424

Actually shat myself to Mars laughing at this

Anonymous 276425

maybe if you self identify as american or something
the heat won't affect you as much
have you ever thought about that

Anonymous 276432


You're so right anon. Pic related, it's me.

Anonymous 276476


Yes move to Arizona we have airconditioning here. Good luck if you have to step outside though nobody will come scrape your bones off the assfault you're on you're ooown

Anonymous 276587

buy an air conditioning unit

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