Anonymous 276606
>this was posted in a heavily male, incel board
>the kind which starts laughing when women are raped and saying they deserved it
>suddenly they all understand rape is bad when a woman does it
They're such hypocrites I can't even understand it
Anonymous 276607
As if rape against men even counts. If a woman “rapes” a man, the man isn’t gonna be permanently injured, traumatized, or treated as unclean because of it. He won’t be shamed or told he was asking for it. He won’t lose anything in retaliation if he reports it. It may as well not even be a crime.
Anonymous 276609

>>276608Idt it's a tranny because trannies do this thing where they do everything to act as a woman and get off it, but they only get off if they're "accepted" and never lie that they're a bio woman.
Anonymous 276611
>>276609You're either very naïve or a trolling troon yourself. Troons lie about being bio woman on the Internet all the time especially if it makes "women just as bad as men!!". There's literally nothing surprising about an incel troon rp about being a female terf rapist on an incel anonymous board.
Anonymous 276689
>>276609100% a troon and also made up story for sure