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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 276684

>be me
>coming home from my gfs house
>take the bus
>I sit alone at front
>feel someone kicking me
>turn around
>"what you looking at bitch"
>some moid with a Dora-the-explora-esk-hairstyle
>"youre kicking my seat man"
>offended for some reason
>comes beside me to yell and try to intimate me
>won't leave
>people around him tell him to shut up but he won't
>last stop
>tell him he should be embarrassed to act like this in public,as he Is a grown man
>tries to swing at me before I step off
>missed cause I left
>his buddies tell him to let go

Pic related, it's what he looked like. He went outside like this. Moids are fucking retards.

Anonymous 276690

Then everybody started clapping.

Anonymous 281421

moids are so retarded. especially on public transport. i almost got robbed by some moids. luckily i had support and did the right shit.

Anonymous 281496

some moid threw a hissy fit at me on a bus because i was looking at his wife with sunglasses on and he was yelling at me acting like i was being sly. no i just forget that i stare at people too much and forgot to take my sunglasses off. he flew off the handle, it was insane

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