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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 276687

browsing this website in public hoping that someone says
> hei you also on this website let's be friends
surelly this will happen

i am at the karlsruhe institute for technology chemistry building in front on the libary if someone wants to hang out

Anonymous 276704

You smart huh

Anonymous 276724

Nona the fuck are you doing, don't tell strangers on the internet your exact location lmfao

Anonymous 276726

Let's be real; there's maybe 3 people that use this site in the run of a day. I doubt any are in Germany at this exact moment staking out the miner.

Anonymous 276728

Yeah but lc is down right now and they all flock here, it's literally the worst time to post this kek

Anonymous 276733

i would be ur friend if i saw you but im not german sadly

Anonymous 277065

I'm in Germany but I'm an Ausländer

Anonymous 277306

Can you cook meth?

Anonymous 277723

cool which part?

if i spend the time reading into it probably. I also at some point knew how to make explosives (in minecraft) but you just forget about some of the stufd pretty quickly

Anonymous 277726

nоnniе! I applied to that college in hopes of getting into the higher semester but I haven't got a confirmation letter from there yet. Would be nice knowing you

Anonymous 277746

higher semester? you mean like masters? I know you can apply to a higher semester like for example in the bachelor but i am yet to find someone where this was the case idk. Which subject do you study?

Anonymous 277796

I am a dumbass that forgot to apply for the first semester for bachelors, so I wanted to try my shot in higher semester. Idk applying to European universities is confusing to me
>Which subject do you study?
Mechanical engineering

Anonymous 277799

you know that KIT has the reputation of being one of the hardest universities in Germany right?
You have 80%+ failure rates in some subjects meaning and the beginning of the study will almost only be the most brutal math.

The thing is that KIT is very hard but outside of germany people might not knoe this. They might see you leaving the college with D marks or C marks at best leaving the college and think
>lol is she lazy
because they don't know that you are one of the 20% who actually leaves this place with any degree
you will have no free time in some subjects, enjox 80 hour to 100 hour learning weeks and close to zero social connections

Just warning you

Anonymous 280457

Living in a big city is the opposite, where you and your girlfriends are indirectly telling each other you read lolcow without straight out admitting it.
>Do you know who Venus angelic is?
>Proceeds to discuss hearing and reading about her last few years
>You haven't heard about Manaki being abusive? You need to lurk moar.

Anonymous 284649


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