
Happy New Year: 2019 Edition Anonymous 27691
Questions borrowed from the 2018 New Year thread, I hope OP of that thread doesn't mind.
♡ How did 2018 treat you? Was it a good, bad, or meh year?
♡ Is there anything important you still want to do before 2018 ends?
♡ Did anything life changing happen? Did you reach any milestones?
♡ Do you have plans and goals for 2019?
Anonymous 27698
Last year's new year thread if anyone wanted to look back on what they said if they were here for it:
- Living on my own is awesome
- Went on two trips this year
- Still got the summertime sads, haven't worked on getting professional help in that area
- Didn't make any friends, nor did I really reach out to any of my past social circles to reconnect
Plans and goals:
- Graduate, get a job, have means to support a cat
- Continue to form good habits in exercise, eating better, reading, personal development
Anonymous 27721
I'm the 2018 OP, I don't mind it!
Anonymous 27722

♡ How did 2018 treat you? Was it a good, bad, or meh year?
a fucking amazing year! some of the things that happened were not good per se, but if i stop to analyze the entire situation i can see how good it was that they happened. i've made big changes in my private life, i'm so damn happy with my boyfriend and finally i've taken control of my life to a certain point.
my mental health improved a fucking lot whereas my physical health has decreased a little but i'm going to work on that next year.
♡ Is there anything important you still want to do before 2018 ends?
a couple things, yeah. but if i can't do them this year i will do them in 2019.
♡ Did anything life changing happen? Did you reach any milestones?
absolutely and i am really happy. i wasn't sure if this year would be good or not because it started so slow. but the 2nd half of 2018 brought me a bunch of good surprises. 2017 was a great year for me overall and i didn't think this year would be better, but it was.
♡ Do you have plans and goals for 2019?
i do but i still need to think more about them and organize all of my plans. there are some things i need to do next year that i don't think will be that easy, but it's okay and we deal with them.
Anonymous 27727
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♡ How did 2018 treat you? Was it a good, bad, or meh year?
It's been one of the more eventful years in a long while, a lot of stuff happened, both good and bad, but compared to how monotone my life had been till now, i appreciate everything. I've met a friend which i'm pretty sure will be for life, i started to let go of my social anxiety, i now talk to multiple people a day, and i'm close to graduating.
I've also made some plans to move to a very lovely place, but that's a sotry for the next year thread!
As for the bad, i made some very awful fake friends which decided to betray me and hurt me as much as they could, i don't work out as much as i used to, some of my friends did some awful stuff, still suicidal and i'm still working on improving my mental health, which is declining.
♡ Is there anything important you still want to do before 2018 ends?
Get a partner and ace the last tests with straight A's. I also want to get back to working out.
♡ Did anything life changing happen? Did you reach any milestones?
From talking to no one, to having friends and acquaintances willing to listen and talk to me, the change has been drastic.
Most of my grades have been amazing this year, and i've reduced my drinking severely.
♡ Do you have plans and goals for 2019?
Get fit, get a partner, move out of my town, and start looking for a job.
Anonymous 27731
This year was a total trainwreck for me.
I met the love of my life which made my eating disorder the worst it was ever been, I got so sickly thin that I was forced inpatient. That sucked hard and I'm depressed about the weight-gain. Also this year my four year of neetdom has come to an end because I'm now watched by the government due to the forced inpatient bullshit. I'm planning to get sickly thin again (yeah I'm fucked up and my ED is my coping mechanism) and If I do continue losing weight and not doing anything, the doctors will be worried and check on me which I cant let happen. So that sucks balls.
I miss just being a starving neet, shit was comfy. But I guess that chapter is over now.
For 2019 my plan is to lose all the recovery weight gain and fuck the love of my life. Fuck him so hard that he wont be cumming for weeks. God damn he is so juicy and sexy, I want him. I almost got to fuck him this summer if I wasn't hospitalized.
Anonymous 27748
>>27731same anon, i've gained some recovery weight (something around 22lbs) but i'm going to drop it next year. im already fucking the love of my life, best of luck so you can fuck yours!
Anonymous 27752
♡ How did 2018 treat you? Was it a good, bad, or meh year?
It was ok. Lots of guilt and shame and still suicidal, but not as bad as last year. Objectively I made a lot of progress and have been very productive this year, but my mental health is only marginally better than last year's. My physical health is suffering a bit because of choices I made last year, but it's minor, and mostly cosmetic.
♡ Is there anything important you still want to do before 2018 ends?
I need to get my Christmas presents sorted for everyone!! And get a planner for next year!!!!!! All other goals will take longer than a month.
♡ Did anything life changing happen? Did you reach any milestones?
Not really. Getting a bf, as much as I hate to admit it, has maaaaaaybe affected my mood for the better. I'm really really close to grossing 6 figures but not quite there yet. Next year!
♡ Do you have plans and goals for 2019?
I want to learn to drive and as I mentioned, want to reach 100k. That might not happen next year though, which is okay. Eventually I want to move out but I think I will wait a year or two more. I do want to purchase a home in the coming year, and ideally would like to rent it out. I also want to lose 10 lbs.
Anonymous 27767

♡ How did 2018 treat you? Was it a good, bad, or meh year?
Pretty good, very busy and lots of change. I lost 30 lbs, started uni, approached two men (and got rejected…but now I know I can do it!), and got back on track with talking to my friend + made a new friend. Also one year clean from SH!
♡ Is there anything important you still want to do before 2018 ends?
Do well on exams, especially math since my test marks were mediocre.
♡ Did anything life changing happen? Did you reach any milestones?
I guess I mentioned everything already, whoops. Overall improved socially, mentally, and physically. Starting school again was the biggest milestone.
♡ Do you have plans and goals for 2019?
>do well in second semester
>become stronger
>get bf to hug!!!
>find another part time job
>get a new pet, maybe a frog
Anonymous 27812

♡ How did 2018 treat you? Was it a good, bad, or meh year?
→ Mostly bad since I was working on my dissertation until September, and it almost killed me. Good parts were finishing my dissertation!! and graduating in December with my PhD
♡ Is there anything important you still want to do before 2018 ends?
→ Spend time with family, clean my apartment (still recovering from depression…), donate/sell 50% of wardrobe
♡ Did anything life changing happen? Did you reach any milestones?
→ Wrote and defended my dissertation, will graduate with my PhD this December
♡ Do you have plans and goals for 2019?
→ Finish postdoc, get my clinical license, figure out my next steps…
Anonymous 27815
>>27812Damb! We've got a doctor in our caffeinated mining community.
Congrats anon. It's always impressive to find out the girls here are into cool stuff (like economist anon and all the others into computers).
Anonymous 27818

♡ How did 2018 treat you? Was it a good, bad, or meh year?
→ I thought it was pretty good tbh
♡ Is there anything important you still want to do before 2018 ends?
-→ I'm retaking my driving test for the 3rd time in two weeks. For the love of god I want to actually pass it this time.
♡ Did anything life changing happen? Did you reach any milestones?
-→ Lifechanging…? No. Fun things? Yes.
>>Be me
>> 6 year anniversary in July
>>Get the best birthday presents ever in September
>>Go to my first con in years with a group of friends
>> Become closer with a friend in said group of friends
>>Have sleepovers at said friend house multiple times (sue me I love sleepovers)
>> Finally bit the bullet and made a YouTube channel
>> Somehow I get views and nice comments here on there even though my upload schedule is garbage because I have no self control
>>Go to therapy more and I think it's actually helping
>>Almost finally got my own place with me and the bf but it turned out to give us a really shady feeling so we didn't take the offer
♡ Do you have plans and goals for 2019?
-→ To finally get an apartment with my bf, gain self control so I can finally go back to the gym and keep up with it. Put more effort into my youtube channel
Anonymous 27832
>>27727We can do this! Finish school strong!
>>27752Financial wellness is great, I hope you find the home of your dreams! Or at least a good place for the next stage of your life.
Anonymous 27835
♡ How did 2018 treat you? Was it a good, bad, or meh year?
shitty and boring as fuck, had to be pulled out of school for failing and then had a depressive episode which was just a big waste of time but whatever I have good grades now
♡ Is there anything important you still want to do before 2018 ends?
♡ Did anything life changing happen? Did you reach any milestones?
nope it feels the same as every single year
♡ Do you have plans and goals for 2019?
just keep writing my book ig
Anonymous 27840…

♡ How did 2018 treat you? Was it a good, bad, or meh year?
Balancing out everything I think it was a good year. In the first half I was a little depressed, used many wrong and shitty cope mechanisms and ended up almost breaking up with my beloved bf, but i went to therapy and started to get a more positive view of my life. Thus,I get a trainee job at my uni that pays me little but I really like my coworkers and it helps me dealing with my depression!And now I got in a research program in literature with my favorite techaer, she is the fucking best.
I made some new really good friends, they are the absolutely best, altough my other firend betrayed me in a awful way, i'm happy that I ended my relationship with her, bcs she was super toxic to me.
♡ Is there anything important you still want to do before 2018 ends?
Passing my exams in linguistics! And rest a lot in my vacations.
♡ Did anything life changing happen? Did you reach any milestones?
Nothing really like changing, but i'm happy I am doing better than last year, and dealing better with myself, my traumas and my depression. And i'm verry happy that my drawing skills got better, my knowledgment about my graduation got better and i'm more happy with myself!
♡ Do you have plans and goals for 2019?
Get back to the gym, losing extra lbs, getting prepared to get in a masters degree in literature, drawing and painting more and hating me everyday less!
I hope everyone here have a great new year, you girls always help me with this place!
Anonymous 27841
>>27840What do you intend to do after you graduate?
Anonymous 27885
>>27841Keep on in my art career and maybe get a masters degree.
Anonymous 28328

>>27691♡ How did 2018 treat you? Was it a good, bad, or meh year?
mostly horribly. i finally got acceptance to get surgery for my endo but spent the entire year getting fatter sitting at home in pain playing mmos. i lost what was left of my female friends too.
♡ Is there anything important you still want to do before 2018 ends?
quit mmos or at least the one i'm playing currently. clean my room and work on myself.
♡ Did anything life changing happen? Did you reach any milestones?
after 7 years of public health system i finally got acknowledged and started getting help once i took the private path.
♡ Do you have plans and goals for 2019?
fix my shitty life somehow
Anonymous 28338

>♡ How did 2018 treat you? Was it a good, bad, or meh year?
A shit year.
>♡ Is there anything important you still want to do before 2018 ends?
Try to get into a routine again. It feels just as numbing with depression, but at least you are somewhat getting somewhere rather than nowhere as you walk along like a zombie.
I'd also like to pass this one class I'm in. Its final is tomorrow. But let's be honest, I probably won't. I'm going to try my best, though.
I also want to muster up the courage to get my hair professionally dyed.
I'd like to read a lot of books and finish the TV shows I started this year, too.
>♡ Did anything life changing happen? Did you reach any milestones?
I nearly died, my parents found out about my double life, I failed a class every quarter (including the summer quarter), I found out I couldn't switch to Computer Science, I am now trying to switch to another major, I started therapy, I got diagnosed with some mental illnesses but my psychiatrist refuses to test me for ADHD which would help me in school because I "need to deal with my other mental illnesses first" like you can just cure them with a magic wand, I got a job interview and if I get the job I can finally move out of my parents' which would help me immensely for many reasons, I got my driver's license, and I also turned 21 so I can now drink whenever I want instead of needing to use my "boyfriend" for alcohol. I still don't have any female friends like every other year of my life because I'm so limited by my parents and because I'm an ugly, decrepit person inside who takes pretty much anything as an attack on who I am.
>♡ Do you have plans and goals for 2019?
Move out, no matter the cost. If I don't get the job I interviewed for, I'm going to strip. I have to make enough money to leave. My life is never going to be mine as long as I'm with my parents. I know I've engineered that by now, but I don't want to stand for it any longer. I need to not worry about pleasing them on top of figuring out what I care about, like, enjoy. It's stunted me so much and I need to not see them as this beacon of information I need. I'm 21 and I can inform myself. I need to move out of thinking that older = inherently better (of course I know that's bs but I act like it's the truth) and although I probably come off as cynical and aggressive in this post, I need to stand up for myself and not look to the past for answers regarding how to live now.
I want to make sure that I listen to people more and see advice as not an attack on my character.
I want to keep my personal website updated and functional. I want to continue journaling and do it more frequently. I want to fall in love with drawing again and overall, creating again.
Anonymous 28341
>>28340I see stripping as a gateway to that. I think I'd be too fearful to go straight to escorting.
Anonymous 28821
>♡ How did 2018 treat you? Was it a good, bad, or meh year?
Don't know what to say. I entered the year after being dumped after a 3 year relationship right before 2017 ended…
It seemed like it was going to be a hellish year starting in January but I'll always remember it as a good year. I grew more as a person in 2018 than 2012 to 2017, no exaggeration.
>♡ Is there anything important you still want to do before 2018 ends?
Get meds and a proper diagnosis. It might have to wait until January, if so oh well.
>♡ Did anything life changing happen? Did you reach any milestones?
-Ended a bad friendship
-Discovered CC
-Moved very far away from home
to start over
>♡ Do you have plans and goals for 2019?
Move to a bigger city and go to school there, go bf hunting.
Anonymous 28844
>badHad a lot of really shitty behavior I'm not proud of. Said really hurtful things to my boyfriend. Got completely ghosted by my friend (this was for the best, probably). Didn't make any new friends. Didn't read the manga I bought and only read 1-2 books way at the beginning of the year. Gave myself an awful haircut that didn't suit me because I felt helpless and needed to do some kind of "action" to make myself feel better (at least I didn't go red/ ashy pink like I was considering. Thank God I was at least that rational.)
>goodI moved and really like the area where I live now. Work is going well. I feel closer to my coworkers. I was able to make small-talk with people. I went out for drinks with a coworker. I picked up one or two of my old hobbies again. It feels nice. I took online therapy. I learned to relax and not be super strict about calories. I'm possibly getting a raise early next year.
>plans/goalsBe a more observant person. Take more responsibility. Go to the doctor about the changing mole I'm scared of. Help my boyfriend find his passion again.
Do better on the jlpt. Be a better person. Make at least one friend. Pursue my hobbies. Get that raise. Spend more responsibly.
Anonymous 28855
>>28338>>double lifewhat double life
Anonymous 28857
For me this was a good year, but it doesn't stand out above the rest I guess.
I finished highschool and started going to a college I wanted to go to. I really like it. I also won some award for my painting but I don't feel as if that's an important achievement. I exercised during the summer holidays, I went swimming often, that was nice and I wish I could have kept it up but now I am certain I will do the same next year.
There weren't really many bad things for me this year, only I had to start wearing glasses but I think they suit me, overall my worst decision this year was to go to prom with someone I dislike just because I was too much of a wimp to say no, and I had a horrible time. (Can you see how happy my life is that this was my worst moment this year?)
In 2019 I hope to do better in college (I mean I'm not doing poorly but I'm not doing as well as I'd hoped), and I hope to exercise more to fix some health problems and to become fit because I plan on cosplaying near the end of the year and I hope to win that cosplay contest and get cool prizes. Also I hope to make a cooler costume for the renaissance festival next year.
Anonymous 28863
>>27691♡ How did 2018 treat you? Was it a good, bad, or meh year?
My best friend has died, and it made most of this year pretty miserable for me. I wish I could hug her or talk to her once more. I also had my first job experience that was 100% related to my field. It was so difficult, but still fulfilling. Being productive makes me so happy!
♡ Is there anything important you still want to do before 2018 ends?
I want to get in touch with someone I knew in highschool. I have seen her recently, she hasn't changed much. She sent me a message like a month ago, but I was too afraid to respond. Now I will make the move and hopefully meet her again.
♡ Did anything life changing happen? Did you reach any milestones?
Yup, few life-changing things. My friend passing away, meeting the kindest person online and almsot getting into relationship with bpd person. I have started reading a lot of manga and found a new purpose in my career.
♡ Do you have plans and goals for 2019?
I hope I will be a bit more assertive. I plan to get my own small flat and try to socialize as much as I can. I want to be a good friend!
Anonymous 28872
>>28863I'm sorry for your loss. It sounds like this year was a wild ride for you. I hope you're able to move to a new flat smoothly!
Anonymous 28972
>>28971I'm working on it. It should be ready in ten days.