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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Now that we have all these cows we should start a milkshake company Anonymous 283952

Cows lineup and pay your do's to us miners

Anonymous 283961

We are not called cows.

Anonymous 283983

farmers milk cows

Anonymous 283995


mmoooooooooo mooomooomoooo mmmomoooooo

Anonymous 283999

I'll help you milk these cows, nona

Anonymous 284002

i thought she meant that since we didn’t have the cows individual threads she was purposing that we just post any milk in this one containment thread, i was unaware miners thought we were called cows kek

Anonymous 284160

WE call you cows. what you call or want to call yourselves is irrelevant

Anonymous 284167

Why is this site so dead. The cooldown is insufferable

Anonymous 284190


Line up for our cause cows

Anonymous 284197

What cause. There's like 5 of you

Anonymous 285405

Nuh uh. There's like at least eight of us so?

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