
Anonymous 285317
If humans went extinct which animal would replace us?
Anonymous 285485
Ants. Humans are stunting them with pesticides. But if they were given full reign, they'd be unstoppable.
Anonymous 285496
definitely octopuses. don’t they have the intelligence of a toddler, despite only living a couple of years? Literally the only thing nerfing them is whatever DNA trait restricted their lifespan.
Either way I’m 100% sure it’d be some sort of sea creature. Orcas can live to 90 years (if female) and have their own languages for fucks’ sake. They don’t even have limbs let alone opposable thumbs, if they did I’m sure they’d have surpassed us already. Honestly wish we could CRISPR them limbs, I’d prefer a matriarchal species to take over tbh, we were so close actually with the bonobos.
>>285485True, genuinely I think what’s stopping the insects are their size. Their social systems are incredible, far surpassing human ability to work together considering what they’re working with, from bees to termites to ants. So incredible. Insects are like aliens, right up there with deep sea creatures. I genuinely think they will evolve intelligence like us eventually.
Anonymous 285534
Idk but I'm certain my cat would become the emperor of the entire planet
Anonymous 285552
>>285317Crows or parrots in the air, elephants on land, orcas in the waters. Honorable mention to squid and octopus, but they don't live that long.
Anonymous 285673
bugs. if everything dies bugs will just eat it and keep on thriving
Anonymous 287646
The big fucking crow in picrel i think
Anonymous 287693
From what I know monkeys are closest to humans in terms of genetics, specifically chimpanzees and bonobos, so one or both of them would probably evolve into some new species of human
>>285496I agree with you, I think whales even have parts in their brains that humans don’t have and that could give them a major advantage if/when they evolve. Also yeah ant colonies are strangely advanced. They’re what I see the workforce going to one day if we manage to do some kind of robotics advantage, not a hive mind but definitely more efficient cooperation, if bugs evolve to a larger size they would probably rule the world
Anonymous 287747
Monkeys again eventually
Anonymous 287769
>>285496octopuses or squids, squids are already speculated to replace us in the far far far far future.
Anonymous 287780
Crows already can they pretend not to.
Dogs are also close, but they are a servant brained race.
Anonymous 291599
Corvids. Ravens are insanely intelligent. They lack hands and thumbs but still make tools with their feet and beak. Dolphins and chimpanzees are very intelligent and share the same sadism humans have. Orangutans are much more peaceful, probably the most peaceful of the great apes. I'd say their emotional intelligence alone makes them more probable to become like humans than chimps. Elephants love very long lives and are incredibly intelligent as well, but are hindered by their large size and being quadrupeds, imo. Octopi are beyond intelligent, but as another anon stated they have short lifespans so they'd need to get over that. Rats are leagues now intelligent than dogs and their colony animals like humans, but not quite as intelligent as the other animals listed. House cats are too lazy to or they'd be gods.
So, Corvids or orangutans. That's my answer.
Anonymous 291954
>>291599Sorry about all the typos. Swipe-to-text is convenient, but it always fucks me over with typos.
Anonymous 293296

>>291599Crows and ravens would probably discover agriculture by planting sunflower seeds. Maybe even snares to trap small rodents. Eventually make seed storage silos out of nesting materials and build large shelters to house multiple crows. Creating a proto-human civilization.
Anonymous 293731
these sound so cool I want to be reincarnated after human civilization as a dolphin or an octopus or a crow or something
Anonymous 294076
>>285552 If scientists were to somehow genetically modify octopi to live longer then they’d replace us in 5 seconds flat
Anonymous 294082
>>294076Without fire or agriculture orcas and octopi wouldn't advance very far past their current state
Anonymous 294094
>>294082Octopi have tentacles which work similarly to digits, they can learn to domesticate the underwater flora and fauna around them. My first thought for the workaround to no fire is in the form of electrical currents and they can harness that energy as they evolve
Anonymous 294199
I'm slightly high so idk, forgive me but I guess, but another question here to consider is why would the animal that replaces us follow the same paths our ancestors did to "advance" their species? If animals are intelligent enough to secure all their basic needs: food, water, shelter/protection, why would they want or need to "evolve" into using fire, or farming, or eventually rediscovering electricity, etc? Humans had hard, short lives before modern conveniences, but look at the state of the world today that we've made it into since we've got relatively "easy," modern lives, we're sedentary, we desire (men outright demand) instant gratification, failmales galore. wars, religion, taxes, etc.
Anonymous 294229
>>294199>Farming = Less time gathering food and surplus food>Fire = Food preservation and access to cooking>Cooking = higher calorie food and more nutrition>More calories and nutrition = higher population and more brain development>Big brain and big population = civilization Anonymous 294236
>>287747I don't apes will have another step up in progress. Since most apes live in hostile environments that don't allow for agriculture.
Anonymous 294438

Octopi are sick of everybody's shit. And really, who can blame them?