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Check the Catalog before making a new thread.
Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 285613

any nonas here who have been using the site for 6+ years? Looking at old threads i see replies from years ago, i think its so interesting to see. Its like opening a time capsule.

Anonymous 286265

I've only used it for 2 years, but looking at older threads doesn't feel that different from looking at newer threads to me. Nice thread pic btw.

Anonymous 286275


Yep, I can even clock my old posts as well. It immediately transports me to my old cozy work.

Anonymous 286298

I've come and go over the years. Maybe 4/5? idk

Anonymous 286737

>Nice thread pic btw
thanks nona!
thats crazy, i look at my posts from about 10 months ago and can hardly believe so much time has passed since…

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