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Temporary celebricows thread Anonymous 286237

Come here to gossip about celeb drama and news.

Anonymous 286240

Speaking of chapelle I had a dream that she came out with her own line of makeup and the palletes were actually super cool fold out boxes full of makeup like little bento boxes

Anonymous 286244

speaking of chappell is anyone keeping up with the news on how she cancelled her concerts just so she could go perform on the VMAs. Many fans have been upset at her for that.

Anonymous 286245

Thank you for the thread n0nnie! Kek I cannot believe chappell posted that story, like girl your fans are still upset and angry about the concert cancellations (as they should). I can't believe her team didn't make her write a notes app apology where she says that her fans mean the world to her but something something the vmas have been her dream something. Her delusional fans would've ate that shit up.

Anonymous 286254

this whole situation also shows what a hypocrite she is too because wasn't her excuse ''i don't want to be famous'' or something like that when complaining about her fans yet now she is literally cancelling concerts like 2 mins before they start because she wants more fame and exposure be going on Vmas instead.

Anonymous 286261

it was already very obvious but she still keeps telling on herself kek
if she really wanted to be off the radar she could simply hire people to run her accounts and stop wearing her clown getup in public and she could live a simple life and be forgotten in less than 2 years

Anonymous 286264

I only know of her name
what is the lore?

Anonymous 286268

she got viral 2 months ago for her song good luck babe and for her queerbaiting. And now this past week or so she has been sperging about how she doesn't want her fans to interact with her and to leave her alone, then sperging about how mad she is when her fans ignore her and act like they don't know her. Cancelling a concert literally a couple of days before it starts because she wants to go on the VMAs instead. Most of her fans have already paid for flights and hotel accommodations so they could see her concert and now they feel disappointing and upset at her cancelling because she preffers he VMAs (more exposure) over her fans despite her talking about how she doesn't want fame or exposure.

Anonymous 286288

Screenshot 2024-09…

damn how much money do you think Charlie and her label have spent on trying to force ''brat summer'' in everyones faces.
At this point she is slowly starting to become a industry plant.

Anonymous 286297

Charli and Chappel are so cringe

Anonymous 286321

So tired of this mid album being shilled so hard kek I admit I listen to a few songs when working out but it really isn’t as good as they make it seem to be

Anonymous 286335

Brat summer was fun for two minutes but it became cringe in record time. If politicians and thousands of marketers are hopping on board to shill green slime and lime green eyeshadow then it's just not cool anymore.
I also just personally hate the "4 days without showering cokehead at a rave" look

Anonymous 286339

I feel like out of nowhere everyone started talking about Chappel and drawing fanart of her. I tried listening to her songs to see why everyone on Facebook was creaming their pants over her and all of the songs feel completely lackluster and I can tell she wishes she was Marina and the Diamonds. "Pink Pony Club" just made me cringe listening to it and I think it's one of her most popular songs. It feels like she's an industry plant to the max

Anonymous 286340

ugh, this whole brat thing is so cringey and overdone. this album has been out for months now, no one cares. this is up there with "hawk tuah!" for me

Anonymous 286344

I listened to some a couple of months ago just when she was beginning to be shoved on Spotify (before I knew what a cow she is) and thought it was just okay. It was just run-of-the-mill slightly alternative pop, I don't know why people are acting like she's the next coming of Kate Bush.
Marina has a strong voice, good lyrics and has better stage outfits imo

Anonymous 286350

Good Luck, Babe is the only decent song. I tried to listen to her album and it was shit.

Anonymous 286372

I like Apple and I can tolerate 360, the rest are either trash or meh

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