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Anonymous 288085

Anonymous 288090

Kung Pao chicken and some peppers.

Anonymous 288092

shit, that’s hard.

Raw salmon cut into noodles and lots of salt!!

Anonymous 288095

rice vinegar and a bit of sugar

Anonymous 288100

broccoli + teryiaki chicken

Anonymous 288145

Hmm, maybe raw salmon and then some nori sheets to eat it with. Or maybe egg yolks and chili crisp.

Anonymous 288176

A nice fried egg over easy and lots of fresh green onion

Anonymous 288178

Spicy corned beef and sauteed peppers

Anonymous 288197

soy and sauce

Anonymous 288204

Raw salmon and egg

Anonymous 288220

Pineapple and shredded coconut

Anonymous 288255

Anonymous 288266

1) A raw egg - while the rice is hot. Keep whisking it with a fork until it foams.
2) Soy sauce

Anonymous 288273

not bad not bad

Anonymous 288278

tuna and mayo

Anonymous 288280

a loaded gun and a button that gives me 1 million dollars when i press it

Anonymous 288329

spring onion + chili sesame oil

Anonymous 288432

Bulgogi and broccoli

Anonymous 288485


Why pepperoni of course, nothing but Milwaukee's best

Anonymous 288494

2 more servings of white rice

Anonymous 288496

Beans and fried egg

Anonymous 288747

Natto and fried egg

Anonymous 288843

Tuna and mushrooms.

Anonymous 288859

Chicken and sweet n sour sauce

Anonymous 288948

Sunny side up egg and crumbled bacon

Anonymous 288950

Kimchi and nori

Anonymous 288986

that tikka masala sour cream sauce from aldi and a bag of mixed veggies yummm

Anonymous 289036

Egg salad and bacon

Anonymous 289095

pickled mustard greens and chilli oil

Anonymous 289108

Condensed milk and mango

Anonymous 289122

kewpie mayonnaise and furikake, i eat it almost every day

Anonymous 289130

chicken katsu and onions

Anonymous 289231

butter and salt

Anonymous 289249

lightly fried Tuna and soy sauce

Anonymous 289330

Scrambled eggs and a big slice of mozzarella to melt over the whole thing.

Anonymous 289441

kimchi and fried egg

Anonymous 289577

A fried egg and 1 billion dollars

Anonymous 289589

natto + raw egg

Anonymous 289709

Two of these four: teriyaki, egg, mayo, and furikake. Depends on what I have around.

Anonymous 290018

Mushrooms and chicken.

Anonymous 290110

Anonymous 290304

Fried spam and egg

Anonymous 290628

Fibre and fibre

Rice makes me constipated

Anonymous 290634

Try washing your rice (as if you were to prepare sushi or something similar). Speaking from personal experience, that made it a lot easier to digest.

Anonymous 290682

coconut aminos and green scallions

Anonymous 290789

japanese vegetable curry and a chicken katsu

Anonymous 293288

A fried egg and lotsa kimchi

Anonymous 294301


That's cannibalism

Anonymous 294619

oyster sauce and eggs

Anonymous 294773

one rice and two rice
so it will be

Anonymous 294775


Anonymous 295221

Bell pepper and zuccini

Anonymous 295227

Anonymous 295235


Mangoes and sweetened coconut milk. I would have to steam the rice though.

Anonymous 295249

ten million dollars and a boyfriend?

Anonymous 295258

tuna sashimi

Anonymous 295298


Anonymous 295301


Bacon bits and ketchup

Anonymous 295315

salt and butter

Anonymous 295622

tuna and olive oil!!!!

Anonymous 295664


Anonymous 296751

Puréed beans and chicken

Anonymous 296786


Feijoada (black bean stew) and sautéed collard greens.

Anonymous 301404


Anonymous 301420

>everybody gives actual tryhard answers instead of being funny
Call me a pickme idc, but I mean this unironically when I say I like hanging out with moids more irl.

Anonymous 301433

Fine… do you like to eat moids with your rice?

Anonymous 301435

How is this our problem exactly? If you want male attention you can go literally anywhere else.

Anonymous 301436

salmon furikake and yuzu ponzu, will send you to savory heaven

Anonymous 301448

canned tuna (with oil) and natto

Anonymous 301461

Light soy sauce and sautéed mushrooms

Anonymous 301464

I'm saying it makes me sad that most women don't have the funny gene. I mean you do you and I'm sure most suggestions here will probably taste fine, but guess what, 99% of everything you can reasonably think of will probably taste good. It's fucking rice, you can eat razor wire and broken glass shards and it will probably still taste ok. This is a facebook-mom tier engagement bait question. Why not at least make it funny?

Anonymous 301465

if by moids you mean your mom and by rice you mean strap-on, and by eat you mean fuck, then yes, I do indeed like to eat moids with my rice.

Anonymous 301469

>Oke so not to derail
too late nona, this thread is about rice and the culinary possibilities it entails. No other discussions will be tolerated. You're going straight to prison for that one, no bail, no trial. Please choose a gang you wish to join prior to incarceration from this list here, unless you wish to remain gang-less and be forced to eat lunch alone and risk getting judgemental stares from across the dining hall every time you eat.

Anonymous 301470

my beautiful angel of an ex and 100 mice

Anonymous 301475

chicken and broccoli

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