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Anonymous 293153

What percentage of CC anons are bi?

Anonymous 293157


I love that it's all modern day celebs and then randomly Josephine Baker. Josie is the poster child for bisexuality, regardless of era. My wife.

Anonymous 293161

Evan Rachel Wood


Drew Barrymore


Kit Connor

Anonymous 293235

I’m one of them, I don’t really find celebrities hot personally though, any of you have any celebrity crushes that made you realize? For me it was just being fandom trash

Anonymous 293245


I'm one. I'm 38 - at this point I like men a bit younger and women a bit older. My absolute love is Queen Latifah though. Something very comforting about her presence and makes me want to better myself.

Anonymous 293254

why is lady gaga up there, she admitted to actually being straight later on.

Anonymous 293262

Most of these celebs are straight and just say they like women but you'd never see them anywhere near pussy. I honestly wonder which ones are actually bi.

Anonymous 293267

I'm one of those stereotypical cluster B bisexuals

Anonymous 293356

I'm one. Although my attraction to women is much stronger than attraction to males. I only found 2d men attractive and only had crushes on women.

Anonymous 293378

Porn induced bi

Anonymous 293385

I’m functionally straight. I like women and I’ve eaten pussy but I wouldn’t want to subject one to being in a relationship with me. So I just save my insanity for the XYs.

Anonymous 293723

people always say this but how would we know? they could be eating pussy every day and we wouldn't know

Anonymous 293795

Yes because celebs have no reason to lie lmao. Halsey secretly eating pussy is the hill you wanna die on?

Anonymous 293930

> fuck
Aubrey Plaza

> Marry

Gillian Anderson

> Kill

Billy Joe. Fucking poser.

Anonymous 295000

>mfw I'm 30 and love older women but they never like me back

Anonymous 295024

I dont feel good that origin of my bisexuality was for porn

Anonymous 295027


AYRT I think I won't really go for anyone, men or women, under 30. My younger sibling's 30 and I feel a bit weird "cougaring" younger. So someone in the early 30s to mid 40s would be good. But older than that, there's a kind of culture gap that can't be bridged? I think I should just say young to elder millennials, as a tl;dr.

Anonymous 295030

DA this might sound bitchy but I think it's naive to assume most people (both celebs and normal people) are completely honest about their sexuality. People can take them at their word if they wish but it's more realistic to expect some dishonesty for any multitude of reasons

Anonymous 295137


I love Cate Blanchett
>Kristen Stewart in these pics = literally me

Anonymous 295194

Kek, I'm 22 and it's a bit similar. I prefer people who are like a decade older than me, or a bit younger, like 7 years older than me at least. Like I was able to date guys like 10 years older than me but even girls my age don't pay attention to me and women in their 30s and older in my life tend to be already married and straight.

Anonymous 295416

I've been weak for her since Hannibal, then I rewatched X files!
Kill Billie
No cute moids in this spread, shame.

Anonymous 295515

Fuck Megan Fox
Marry Josephine Baker
Kill Billie Joe

Anonymous 303132


Stress em out until he balled lol

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