
Anonymous 29378
>>29376healthcare here isn't even that good.
Anonymous 29380
>>29378Agreed. It's only good for people who get sick occasionally with the flu, etc.
Hello, fellow Canadianon. I'm surprised how there's no snow this time of year (I'm in southern Ontario)
Anonymous 29391

>>29380yep, same here, except for the countryside where there's a small blanket of snow left. I didn't think we'd get anything like 2015 in a while. Green Christmas is just too sad ;_;
Anonymous 29397
>>29378you might change your mind if you're ever in a severe accident or have a severe illness
Anonymous 29400
>>29397This. I have chronic illness and the only thing keeping me from moving to the USA to be with my LDR partner is the fear of not getting decent healthcare.
Anonymous 29410
>>29391On one hand, I'm haopy there's snow but on the other one, it's ugly and it's depressing me a little… I do know it's supposed to be a cold winter ahead of us though.
Anonymous 29411
Far East Coast and we've got some snow. It's also windy as fuck, but always is.
>>29378Waitlists can be shit for certain things (and I imagine worse in more populated areas), but I'm grateful that when things do fuck up I'm covered since I'm poor. I'm usually super healthy but got some infections recently and am glad my only anxiety is about my health and not also money.
Anonymous 29692
>>29397i've had multiple family members in canada die, who would still be alive today if they had first world health care.
>b-but its expensiveamerican healthcare costs less than canadian healthcare if you have any kind of normal job that provides health insurance, it's only mexicans and niggers that complain about the price
Anonymous 29697
>>29692So, what's the problem?
If you got mild problems with health, you could fix it for free and if they're severe you could ride everywhere, even to europe to fix them.
While in US you have to pay a lot for things, that you get for free in Canada. You just mad, because you HAD to work to get free things. And once you stop working you will pay for free things or something like that, i'm not really into new world problems
Anonymous 29700
>>29697i'm a canadian you retard.
if you have a minor problem in canada, you get dogshit care and insane waiting times
i had inflamed tonsils that caused a cough, and it took two years before i could be referred to a specialist to have it dealt with. so because i didn't get care like i would have got in america, my torii were damaged and the cough turned into a permanent condition, now i have the voice of a 60 year old chain smoker because of this "free" healthcare which i still get a $160 healthcaore bill in the mail for, and have an additional $200 shaved off my paycheck every single month because it's not fucking free.
if you have a major problem, and you need it dealt with, you don't have american health insurance to cover the half a million dollar bill.
did you know that if you're an american and not an absolute failure at life and have a job that pays >$60k, this half a million dollar bill is covered by your employer?
Anonymous 29701
>>29700Don't forget that $260 pays for Indians to fly into the country and get actually free healthcare without even becoming citizens :^)
Anonymous 29702

>>29700> is covered by your employer?> employerSo, in order to physically survive and don't be a cripple till your sudden death you had to work all your life?
That's a fate worse than death, at least for me.
Anonymous 29703
>>29702>you have to contribute to society to reap social benefitsyeah thats how white countries work, my dudette
Anonymous 29704
>>29703Contribution to society and slavery are diffrent things. 95% of that "contribution" you mention in your post isn't actual contribution, but moving blankets from one desk in office to another. Just imagine your office ass working hard or taking it easy. What changes in society? Nothing, but your boss, will drive new german car if you work really hard. Is his wealth your contribution? Whold you be proud if on judegement day you whould say to jesus "Look, my boss got new BMW, this means i deserve being in heaven". Stop this nonsense. Either you work on yourself and making more rich yourself or you're making more smart people wealthier. And if by any chance you wanted to contribute to society, you rather donate to local orphanage.
Anonymous 29705
>>29704lol nice commie spergout but i didnt read it 8)
Anonymous 29706
>>29705If you want to discuss commies and how you flawwlessly #rekted them online, than switch tab on kc or /pol/
Anonymous 29707
>>29706>If you want to discuss commies i'm just saying that canadian healthcare is a nightmare that kills people, pretty sure you're the bitter retard who's ranting about executives making more money than her
Anonymous 29709
>>29707> executives making more money than herDiscussing the weak points of current capitalist system is like discussing how sun raises - you might have more sunlinght if it raises from south for example, but discussion itself and all meetings/demonstrations won't change anything. And if suddenly something whould be changed, than it doesn't matter if you took part in it or not - it whould affect everyone.
You need to exploit the system. Start your business or get your neetbux, it doesn't really matter. But once you stepped in a way of average salarywoman, than all your life whould be average and end average.
In case of canadian healthcare - free stuff, even bad one is infinetly better than paid one. Because you got it for free. And if you need stuff better than free, than you need to actually pay for it and work hard to get monies. I'm not into american healthcare prices, but i doubt that hospital paychecks for half million dollar is an usual thing. Hovever winter flu, that #rekt humankind yearly is a thing, that was encountered by everyone.
Anonymous 29711

Ignoring the pol bait here all I can say is that while Canadian healthcare is somewhat more efficient than it's American counterpart in terms of costs. That being said being better than the American healthcare isn't much of a achievement since they're pretty much the worst in terms of cost-management; and I don't see why it's become a meme of sorts.
Ignoring healthcare I always wondered how it's the quality of life in Toronto is like. Their underground city
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PATH_(Toronto) thing seems nice and their islands seem interesting
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto_Islands . But I've heard nothing but complaints about Toronto from Canadians. If you ask me the city looks cleaner/prettier than NYC
Anonymous 29712
>>29700Exactly how it works. Everyone goes through this shit.
Anonymous 29720
>>29700>two yearsDo you live in a large city or something? I recently got a bladder issue and despite there being very few urologists in my area my doctor was able to get someone within a month, although my wait time for a very minor thing (derm for acne scars) is 9 months. My mother has arthritis/other issues and also gets relatively speedy care.
I've heard it's a hell wait for mental health though.
And sorry to read about your condition and lost family.
Anonymous 29840
>>29704This is one of the most mindless posts I have ever seen. How does the fact that someone employs you invalidate what your labour does for society at large? Like if we didn't have people stocking shelves at Walmart we'd all starve.
Anonymous 29943
>>29940Even farther, NL. Although I do have family in NS and have been there. It's like an upgraded version of Newf lol.
Are you a Nova Scotian?
Anonymous 29944
What province are you guys from?
I'm from Alberta and I haven't experienced any long wait times.
Anonymous 29956
>>29943Yes, but I moved away as fast as I could. I don't want to ever go back.
Anonymous 29957
>>29956May I ask why if it's not too personal? Family issues? Too small for your taste? Not fond of the weather?
Anonymous 29959
>>29957>Family issuesNo
>Too smallYes
>Bad weatherYes
Anonymous 29984
anyone else here lives in quebec?
Anonymous 30457
>>29692Oh fuck off. Canadian healthcare has many problems but to say that America’s healthcare is affordable is laughable.
Anonymous 30458
>>29692I hate unpatriotic Canadians like these, go to America if you love their system so much
Anonymous 30459
>>29711That’s because people love to complain about cities. If you look at all the major cities in the world, people will always bash them for whatever reason. And they’re mostly right. We def have issues but for the most part Toronto is bretty good compared to most American cities.
Anonymous 276651
>>29376literally every country has to pay for his health care somehow usually via taxes so no it's not "free"
t german
Anonymous 276677
>>276651why did u bump a 5 yr old thread about canada just to make a joke about germany. there are 2 threads about germany and europe on the main page.
Anonymous 286811
>>I’m from Manitoba B)
Anonymous 286816
>>286811impossible…. to think a woman from the total population of 5 people in mb is a crystal cafe
/lolcor user…..
Anonymous 286873
>>286816 Are you from MB too? I live in rural MB it gets quite lonely here.
Anonymous 287825
>>29376I moved to new province away from friends and family and am so lonely I only have my
Partner to keep me company but he works all week and I’m alone all day like a house cat
Anonymous 287880
>>286873Yes I am! Though im rather nervous you'd mention living rural cause that just narrowed it down to like 1 other town in the province kekk. ill bite though, also from a rural area. makes me wish i lived closer to capital but the horror stories i hear from there makes it better to stay visiting only lol. i was so shocked to see other peg
in the fakeboi threads, i regret not asking for more aikon drama while the topic was relevant…. Anonymous 288314
>>29376Holy shit this is so cool. I go to the peg very often it's a shitshow, I was actually talking in a lc thread about some Aikon cows I knew a few personally so I have TONS of milk.
Do you have discord? I am desperate for local friends