Anonymous 293815
If Spongebob was real he'd be charged with workplace sexual harassment and grooming a minor
Anonymous 293853
>>293835Spongebob kisses his male coworker Squidward without his consent. He also took a teenage girl named Pearl to prom and on multiple dates. Despite Spongebob being an adult he also recives kisses from Pearl who's a minor.
Anonymous 293882
Screenshot 2024-09…

>>293853SpongeBob was a minor himself during the original show’s timeline
Anonymous 293896
>>293882It's implied Spongebob finished high school years ago and he's already an adult living away from his parents
Anonymous 293915
Both Patrick and Spongebob are adults
Anonymous 293927
>>293896>>293915But isn't the whole point of the movie that he's a kid?
Anonymous 294004
>>293927The point of the movie was that he acts like a kid and was getting shit for not acting his age, not that he's literally one kek
Anonymous 294202
Spongebob has a job and a house and goes to driving school to learn how to drive, which kid does that, it's illegal, and his parents are so old they have no condition to procreate now which is clear they did a long time ago when spongebob was born. He ain't a kid but he sure should go to jail for his criminal record is enourmous. Fool never even got an actual relationship with that squirrel who is crazy about him, and he is always ruining things for her like her expedition to the moon and I am sure there was a time she was mocked to hell and back and he didn't defend her honor like a good sponge should, dunno why she didn't go back to texas yet. Now it's a wonder how spongebob retardpants managed to learn karate, squirrel girl should've karate'd his ass a long time ago. The only thing spongebob did well and I am grateful for was teaching me how to tie my shoes when everyone else had given up.
Anonymous 294206
>>294202When you put it like this, it makes you wonder how the hell so many women have a crush on him
Anonymous 294285
>>294206Who tf has a crush on Spongebob
Anonymous 294299

>>294285I did. Mostly because Spongebob x Squidward yaoi fanfics exist.
Anonymous 294554
>>294299…be honest. Did you used to self-insert as Squidward?
Anonymous 294806
>>294285That one artist who draws buff demon spongebob, that one spongebob husbandofag in /g/ and the other spongebobfag who wanted her boyfriend to roleplay as him
Anonymous 295120
>>Sponges in temperate regions live for at most a few years, but some tropical species and perhaps some deep-ocean ones may live for 200 years or more. Some calcified demosponges grow by only 0.2 mm (0.0079 in) per year and, if that rate is constant, specimens 1 m (3.3 ft) wide must be about 5,000 years old. Some sponges start sexual reproduction when only a few weeks old, while others wait until they are several years old.
my boy spongebob is an ancient one, maybe