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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 294296

Is origami a cringe hobby as an adult?

Anonymous 294297

No, unless you're my ex

Anonymous 294321

No It's classy

Anonymous 294326

Crickle Origami Bu…

Absolutely not. It's an artistic and beautiful pursuit that can upcycle used paper into works of art.

Anonymous 294330


>Go to library
>See oragami class (all ages)
>It's all kids
>Leave embarrassed

Anonymous 294331

If I saw somebody trying to bully somebody else for enjoying origami, I'd probably fight them just out of general principal.
Thats just such an aggrivating thought for whatever reason.

Anonymous 294342

no. if anything it's underrated and niche

Anonymous 294362

if it's actual origami, no
if it's AI generated images that look like origami, yes

Anonymous 294363

origami is awesome, wish i remembered how to make more than a crane anymore.

Anonymous 294366

nah it is cringe to choose a hobby based on what other people think

Anonymous 294442

no, fold away

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