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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Halloween Anonymous 294499

Is it too early for a Halloween thread? I'm on the hunt for lots of vintage recipes for next month.

Anonymous 294525

This is a good website for halloween-related stuff! https://kreepykeys.boo/

Anonymous 294531

This is perfect, thank you!

Anonymous 294541


>Big halloween party in old gymnasium building got banned because of an altercation that lead to a 14 year old leaving in an ambulance last year that caused it to shut down.
I hate moids. This was gonna be my first year going as an adult.
There's never any trick or treaters in my neighborhood either.

Anonymous 294552

You've still got time to find a rich neighborhood and try going there. I'm old enough now I'll be passing out candy instead. I'm making goodie bags.

Anonymous 294569

I can't believe I'm enjoying a web ring.

Anonymous 294573

samefag, this website is also great: https://halloweenideas.neocities.org/

Anonymous 294580

samefag yet again, here's a good list of halloween links: https://hallowdaze.neocities.org/links

Anonymous 294728

Jesus how old are you people? 13?

Anonymous 294737

Halloween movies recs ?

Anonymous 294746

I don't have desire to trick or treat myself, lol. I would prefer to give out candy but our street gets nobody because it's 40 mph with no sidewalk.

Anonymous 294766

Phantasm is my favorite. And Phantasm 2 is good if you're okay with more action/gore.

Anonymous 294869

Fright Night
Elvira movies (free and easy to find)
BBC's Ghostwatch if you like disasterous banned TV broadcasts>>294737

Anonymous 294887


Any nice Halloween movies with sexy moids and/or sexy monsters? Or just movies with sexy monsters to watch on Halloween even if they're not exactly Halloween themed? I just want to fuck sexy male monsters.

Anonymous 294988

shape of water

Anonymous 295448

Trilogy of terror, Anything from mst3k(entire tv show worth of cheesy b-movies easy to find on youtube), scary godmother, theres a rankin-bass halloween film called mad monster party that is fun and cheesy, blackula, hocus pocus.

Anonymous 295449

samefag, the munsters(the old tv show), or the addams family(either old school or modern) are also both very good for halloween! Also, this has been promoted very heavily, but Beetlejuice, both the OG and the recently released sequel, are very enjoyable.

Anonymous 295461

This is one of the best things i've ever eaten for the fall season


Ye olde english Rabbit Pie

The pumpkin spice of pies. Its got nutmeg and apple cider in the filling its to die for. (Its savory not sweet) But it has warm holiday spice.

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