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Online shopping tricks Anonymous 294655

Am I evil?

>be online shopping

>want to save on shipping
>ask group chats if they want to split an order
>they agree and send me their item list
>search for discount codes and do the "spin the wheel" with multiple emails and IPs until I get the highest discount
>charge the others the original amount
>get my stuff for extra cheap or free

I don't do this to friends, just loose contacts. I consider it my fee for taking care of the orders, finding good online shops and so on

Share tricks and tips to get maximum gains from online shopping without turning to crime

Anonymous 294673

did no one ever ask for a screenshot of the cart/order and the price breakdowns? Though I guess you could photoshop a bit if people ask… just curious what you did in those cases

Anonymous 294681

Why should they when they pick it out from the site themselves and can always check back? I take a screenshot of the cart before I apply the discount and that's it

Anonymous 294744

ohh that's smart lol, maybe I'll start doing that
I think you're on a more advanced level of online shopping than me, but to add to the thread: one thing I do is fill the cart and not visit the site for 1-3 days. Usually large sites and even some individual shops like Etsy will send a small coupon code to get you to buy something rather than nothing at all.

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